Source code for cam.engine

"""CNCCAM ''

Engine definition, options and panels.

from bl_ui.properties_material import (
import bpy
from bpy.types import RenderEngine

from .ui_panels.area import CAM_AREA_Panel
from .ui_panels.chains import CAM_CHAINS_Panel
from .ui_panels.cutter import CAM_CUTTER_Panel
from .ui_panels.feedrate import CAM_FEEDRATE_Panel
from .ui_panels.gcode import CAM_GCODE_Panel
from import CAM_INFO_Panel
from .ui_panels.interface import CAM_INTERFACE_Panel
from .ui_panels.machine import CAM_MACHINE_Panel
from .ui_panels.material import CAM_MATERIAL_Panel
from .ui_panels.movement import CAM_MOVEMENT_Panel
from .ui_panels.op_properties import CAM_OPERATION_PROPERTIES_Panel
from .ui_panels.operations import CAM_OPERATIONS_Panel
from .ui_panels.optimisation import CAM_OPTIMISATION_Panel
from .ui_panels.pack import CAM_PACK_Panel
from .ui_panels.slice import CAM_SLICE_Panel

[docs] class CNCCAM_ENGINE(RenderEngine):
[docs] bl_idname = "CNCCAM_RENDER"
[docs] bl_label = "CNC CAM"
[docs] bl_use_eevee_viewport = True
[docs] def get_panels(): """Retrieve a list of panels for the Blender UI. This function compiles a list of UI panels that are compatible with the Blender rendering engine. It excludes certain predefined panels that are not relevant for the current context. The function checks all subclasses of the `bpy.types.Panel` and includes those that have the `COMPAT_ENGINES` attribute set to include 'BLENDER_RENDER', provided they are not in the exclusion list. Returns: list: A list of panel classes that are compatible with the Blender rendering engine, excluding specified panels. """ exclude_panels = { 'RENDER_PT_eevee_performance', 'RENDER_PT_opengl_sampling', 'RENDER_PT_opengl_lighting', 'RENDER_PT_opengl_color', 'RENDER_PT_opengl_options', 'RENDER_PT_simplify', 'RENDER_PT_gpencil', 'RENDER_PT_freestyle', 'RENDER_PT_color_management', 'MATERIAL_PT_viewport', 'MATERIAL_PT_lineart', } panels = [ EEVEE_MATERIAL_PT_context_material, EEVEE_MATERIAL_PT_surface, EEVEE_MATERIAL_PT_settings, CAM_INTERFACE_Panel, CAM_CHAINS_Panel, CAM_OPERATIONS_Panel, CAM_INFO_Panel, CAM_MATERIAL_Panel, CAM_OPERATION_PROPERTIES_Panel, CAM_OPTIMISATION_Panel, CAM_AREA_Panel, CAM_MOVEMENT_Panel, CAM_FEEDRATE_Panel, CAM_CUTTER_Panel, CAM_GCODE_Panel, CAM_MACHINE_Panel, CAM_PACK_Panel, CAM_SLICE_Panel, ] for panel in bpy.types.Panel.__subclasses__(): if hasattr(panel, 'COMPAT_ENGINES') and 'BLENDER_RENDER' in panel.COMPAT_ENGINES: if panel.__name__ not in exclude_panels: panels.append(panel) return panels