Source code for cam.gcodepath

"""BlenderCAM '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

Generate and Export G-Code based on scene, machine, chain, operation and path settings.

# G-code Generaton
from math import (
import time

import numpy
from shapely.geometry import polygon as spolygon

import bpy
from mathutils import Euler, Vector

from . import strategy
from .async_op import progress_async
from .bridges import useBridges
from .cam_chunk import (
from .image_utils import (
from .nc import iso
from .opencamlib.opencamlib import oclGetWaterline
from .pattern import (
from .simple import (
from .utils import (

[docs] def pointonline(a, b, c, tolerence): """Determine if the angle between two vectors is within a specified tolerance. This function checks if the angle formed by two vectors, defined by points `b` and `c` relative to point `a`, is less than or equal to a given tolerance. It converts the points into vectors, calculates the dot product, and then computes the angle between them using the arccosine function. If the angle exceeds the specified tolerance, the function returns False; otherwise, it returns True. Args: a (numpy.ndarray): The origin point as a vector. b (numpy.ndarray): The first point as a vector. c (numpy.ndarray): The second point as a vector. tolerence (float): The maximum allowable angle (in degrees) between the vectors. Returns: bool: True if the angle between vectors b and c is within the specified tolerance, False otherwise. """ b = b - a # convert to vector by subtracting origin c = c - a dot_pr = # b dot c norms = numpy.linalg.norm(b) * numpy.linalg.norm(c) # find norms # find angle between the two vectors angle = (numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arccos(dot_pr / norms))) if angle > tolerence: return False else: return True
[docs] def exportGcodePath(filename, vertslist, operations): """Exports G-code using the Heeks NC Adopted Library. This function generates G-code from a list of vertices and operations specified by the user. It handles various post-processor settings based on the machine configuration and can split the output into multiple files if the total number of operations exceeds a specified limit. The G-code is tailored for different machine types and includes options for tool changes, spindle control, and various movement commands. Args: filename (str): The name of the file to which the G-code will be exported. vertslist (list): A list of mesh objects containing vertex data. operations (list): A list of operations to be performed, each containing specific parameters for G-code generation. Returns: None: This function does not return a value; it writes the G-code to a file. """ print("EXPORT") progress('Exporting G-code File') t = time.time() s = bpy.context.scene m = s.cam_machine enable_dust = False enable_hold = False enable_mist = False # find out how many files will be done: split = False totops = 0 findex = 0 if m.eval_splitting: # detect whether splitting will happen for mesh in vertslist: totops += len(mesh.vertices) print(totops) if totops > m.split_limit: split = True filesnum = ceil(totops / m.split_limit) print('File Will Be Separated Into %i Files' % filesnum) print('1') basefilename =[:- len(bpy.path.basename(] + safeFileName(filename) extension = '.tap' if m.post_processor == 'ISO': from .nc import iso as postprocessor if m.post_processor == 'MACH3': from .nc import mach3 as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'EMC': extension = '.ngc' from .nc import emc2b as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'FADAL': extension = '.tap' from .nc import fadal as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'GRBL': extension = '.gcode' from .nc import grbl as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'HM50': from .nc import hm50 as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'HEIDENHAIN': extension = '.H' from .nc import heiden as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'HEIDENHAIN530': extension = '.H' from .nc import heiden530 as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'TNC151': from .nc import tnc151 as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'SIEGKX1': from .nc import siegkx1 as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'CENTROID': from .nc import centroid1 as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'ANILAM': from .nc import anilam_crusader_m as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'GRAVOS': extension = '.nc' from .nc import gravos as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'WIN-PC': extension = '.din' from .nc import winpc as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'SHOPBOT MTC': extension = '.sbp' from .nc import shopbot_mtc as postprocessor elif m.post_processor == 'LYNX_OTTER_O': extension = '.nc' from .nc import lynx_otter_o as postprocessor if s.unit_settings.system == 'METRIC': unitcorr = 1000.0 elif s.unit_settings.system == 'IMPERIAL': unitcorr = 1 / 0.0254 else: unitcorr = 1 rotcorr = 180.0 / pi use_experimental = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.experimental def startNewFile(): """Start a new file for G-code generation. This function initializes a new file for G-code output based on the specified parameters. It constructs the filename using a base name, an optional index, and a file extension. The function also configures the post-processor settings based on user overrides and the selected unit system (metric or imperial). Finally, it begins the G-code program and sets the necessary configurations for the output. Returns: Creator: An instance of the post-processor Creator class configured for G-code generation. """ fileindex = '' if split: fileindex = '_' + str(findex) filename = basefilename + fileindex + extension print("writing: ", filename) c = postprocessor.Creator() # process user overrides for post processor settings if use_experimental and isinstance(c, iso.Creator): c.output_block_numbers = m.output_block_numbers c.start_block_number = m.start_block_number c.block_number_increment = m.block_number_increment c.output_tool_definitions = m.output_tool_definitions c.output_tool_change = m.output_tool_change c.output_g43_on_tool_change_line = m.output_g43_on_tool_change c.file_open(filename) # unit system correction ############### if s.unit_settings.system == 'METRIC': c.metric() elif s.unit_settings.system == 'IMPERIAL': c.imperial() # start program c.program_begin(0, filename) c.flush_nc() c.comment('G-code Generated with BlenderCAM and NC library') # absolute coordinates c.absolute() # work-plane, by now always xy, c.set_plane(0) c.flush_nc() return c c = startNewFile() # [o.cutter_id,o.cutter_dameter,o.cutter_type,o.cutter_flutes] last_cutter = None processedops = 0 last = Vector((0, 0, 0)) cut_distance = 0 for i, o in enumerate(operations): if use_experimental and o.output_header: lines = o.gcode_header.split(';') for aline in lines: c.write(aline + '\n') free_height = o.movement.free_height # o.max.z+ if o.movement.useG64: c.set_path_control_mode(2, round(o.movement.G64 * 1000, 5), 0) mesh = vertslist[i] verts = mesh.vertices[:] if o.machine_axes != '3': rots = mesh.shape_keys.key_blocks['rotations'].data # spindle rpm and direction ############### if o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CW': spdir_clockwise = True else: spdir_clockwise = False # write tool, not working yet probably # print (last_cutter) if m.output_tool_change and last_cutter != [o.cutter_id, o.cutter_diameter, o.cutter_type, o.cutter_flutes]: if m.output_tool_change: c.tool_change(o.cutter_id) if m.output_tool_definitions: c.comment('Tool: D = %s type %s flutes %s' % ( strInUnits(o.cutter_diameter, 4), o.cutter_type, o.cutter_flutes)) c.flush_nc() last_cutter = [o.cutter_id, o.cutter_diameter, o.cutter_type, o.cutter_flutes] if o.cutter_type not in ['LASER', 'PLASMA']: if o.enable_hold: c.write('(Hold Down)\n') lines = o.gcode_start_hold_cmd.split(';') for aline in lines: c.write(aline + '\n') enable_hold = True stop_hold = o.gcode_stop_hold_cmd if o.enable_mist: c.write('(Mist)\n') lines = o.gcode_start_mist_cmd.split(';') for aline in lines: c.write(aline + '\n') enable_mist = True stop_mist = o.gcode_stop_mist_cmd c.spindle(o.spindle_rpm, spdir_clockwise) # start spindle c.write_spindle() c.flush_nc() c.write('\n') if o.enable_dust: c.write('(Dust collector)\n') lines = o.gcode_start_dust_cmd.split(';') for aline in lines: c.write(aline + '\n') enable_dust = True stop_dust = o.gcode_stop_dust_cmd if m.spindle_start_time > 0: c.dwell(m.spindle_start_time) # c.rapid(z=free_height*1000) #raise the spindle to safe height fmh = round(free_height * unitcorr, 2) if o.cutter_type not in ['LASER', 'PLASMA']: c.write('G00 Z' + str(fmh) + '\n') if o.enable_A: if o.rotation_A == 0: o.rotation_A = 0.0001 c.rapid(a=o.rotation_A * 180 / pi) if o.enable_B: if o.rotation_B == 0: o.rotation_B = 0.0001 c.rapid(a=o.rotation_B * 180 / pi) c.write('\n') c.flush_nc() # dhull c.feedrate(unitcorr*o.feedrate) # commands=[] m = bpy.context.scene.cam_machine millfeedrate = min(o.feedrate, m.feedrate_max) millfeedrate = unitcorr * max(millfeedrate, m.feedrate_min) plungefeedrate = millfeedrate * o.plunge_feedrate / 100 freefeedrate = m.feedrate_max * unitcorr fadjust = False if o.do_simulation_feedrate and mesh.shape_keys is not None \ and mesh.shape_keys.key_blocks.find('feedrates') != -1: shapek = mesh.shape_keys.key_blocks['feedrates'] fadjust = True if m.use_position_definitions: # dhull last = Vector((m.starting_position.x, m.starting_position.y, m.starting_position.z)) lastrot = Euler((0, 0, 0)) duration = 0.0 f = 0.1123456 # nonsense value, so first feedrate always gets written fadjustval = 1 # if simulation load data is Not present downvector = Vector((0, 0, -1)) plungelimit = (pi / 2 - o.plunge_angle) scale_graph = 0.05 # warning this has to be same as in export in utils!!!! ii = 0 offline = 0 online = 0 cut = True # active cut variable for laser or plasma shapes = 0 for vi, vert in enumerate(verts): # skip the first vertex if this is a chained operation # ie: outputting more than one operation # otherwise the machine gets sent back to 0,0 for each operation which is unecessary shapes += 1 # Count amount of shapes if i > 0 and vi == 0: continue v = # redundant point on line detection if o.remove_redundant_points and o.strategy != 'DRILL': nextv = v if ii == 0: firstv = v # only happens once elif ii == 1: middlev = v else: if pointonline(firstv, middlev, nextv, o.simplify_tol / 1000): middlev = nextv online += 1 continue else: # create new start point with the last tested point ii = 0 offline += 1 firstv = nextv ii += 1 # end of redundant point on line detection if o.machine_axes != '3': v = v.copy() # we rotate it so we need to copy the vector r = Euler(rots[vi].co) # conversion to N-axis coordinates # this seems to work correctly for 4 axis. rcompensate = r.copy() rcompensate.x = -r.x rcompensate.y = -r.y rcompensate.z = -r.z v.rotate(rcompensate) if r.x == lastrot.x: ra = None else: ra = r.x * rotcorr if r.y == lastrot.y: rb = None else: rb = r.y * rotcorr if vi > 0 and v.x == last.x: vx = None else: vx = v.x * unitcorr if vi > 0 and v.y == last.y: vy = None else: vy = v.y * unitcorr if vi > 0 and v.z == last.z: vz = None else: vz = v.z * unitcorr if fadjust: fadjustval =[vi].co.z / scale_graph # v=(v.x*unitcorr,v.y*unitcorr,v.z*unitcorr) vect = v - last l = vect.length if vi > 0 and l > 0 and downvector.angle(vect) < plungelimit: if f != plungefeedrate or (fadjust and fadjustval != 1): f = plungefeedrate * fadjustval c.feedrate(f) if o.machine_axes == '3': if o.cutter_type in ['LASER', 'PLASMA']: if not cut: if o.cutter_type == 'LASER': c.write("(*************dwell->laser on)\n") c.write("G04 P" + str(round(o.Laser_delay, 2)) + "\n") c.write(o.Laser_on + '\n') elif o.cutter_type == 'PLASMA': c.write("(*************dwell->PLASMA on)\n") plasma_delay = round(o.Plasma_delay, 5) if plasma_delay > 0: c.write("G04 P" + str(plasma_delay) + "\n") c.write(o.Plasma_on + '\n') plasma_dwell = round(o.Plasma_dwell, 5) if plasma_dwell > 0: c.write("G04 P" + str(plasma_dwell) + "\n") cut = True else: c.feed(x=vx, y=vy, z=vz) else: c.feed(x=vx, y=vy, z=vz, a=ra, b=rb) elif v.z >= free_height or vi == 0: # v.z==last.z==free_height or vi==0 if f != freefeedrate: f = freefeedrate c.feedrate(f) if o.machine_axes == '3': if o.cutter_type in ['LASER', 'PLASMA']: if cut: if o.cutter_type == 'LASER': c.write("(**************laser off)\n") c.write(o.Laser_off + '\n') elif o.cutter_type == 'PLASMA': c.write("(**************Plasma off)\n") c.write(o.Plasma_off + '\n') cut = False c.rapid(x=vx, y=vy) else: c.rapid(x=vx, y=vy, z=vz) # this is to evaluate operation time and adds a feedrate for fast moves if vz is not None: # compensate for multiple fast move accelerations f = plungefeedrate * fadjustval * 0.35 if vx is not None or vy is not None: f = freefeedrate * 0.8 # compensate for free feedrate acceleration else: c.rapid(x=vx, y=vy, z=vz, a=ra, b=rb) else: if f != millfeedrate or (fadjust and fadjustval != 1): f = millfeedrate * fadjustval c.feedrate(f) if o.machine_axes == '3': c.feed(x=vx, y=vy, z=vz) else: c.feed(x=vx, y=vy, z=vz, a=ra, b=rb) cut_distance += vect.length * unitcorr vector_duration = vect.length / f duration += vector_duration last = v if o.machine_axes != '3': lastrot = r processedops += 1 if split and processedops > m.split_limit: c.rapid(x=last.x * unitcorr, y=last.y * unitcorr, z=free_height * unitcorr) # @v=(ch.points[-1][0],ch.points[-1][1],free_height) c.program_end() findex += 1 c.file_close() c = startNewFile() c.flush_nc() c.comment('Tool change - D = %s type %s flutes %s' % ( strInUnits(o.cutter_diameter, 4), o.cutter_type, o.cutter_flutes)) c.tool_change(o.cutter_id) c.spindle(o.spindle_rpm, spdir_clockwise) c.write_spindle() c.flush_nc() if m.spindle_start_time > 0: c.dwell(m.spindle_start_time) c.flush_nc() c.feedrate(unitcorr * o.feedrate) c.rapid(x=last.x * unitcorr, y=last.y * unitcorr, z=free_height * unitcorr) c.rapid(x=last.x * unitcorr, y=last.y * unitcorr, z=last.z * unitcorr) processedops = 0 if o.remove_redundant_points and o.strategy != "DRILL": print("online " + str(online) + " offline " + str(offline) + " " + str( round(online / (offline + online) * 100, 1)) + "% removal") c.feedrate(unitcorr * o.feedrate) if o.output_trailer: lines = o.gcode_trailer.split(';') for aline in lines: c.write(aline + '\n') = duration * unitcorr print("total time:", round( * 60), "seconds") if bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.system == 'METRIC': unit_distance = 'm' cut_distance /= 1000 else: unit_distance = 'feet' cut_distance /= 12 print("cut distance:", round(cut_distance, 3), unit_distance) if enable_dust: c.write(stop_dust + '\n') if enable_hold: c.write(stop_hold + '\n') if enable_mist: c.write(stop_mist + '\n') c.program_end() c.file_close() print(time.time() - t)
[docs] async def getPath(context, operation): """Calculate the path for a given operation in a specified context. This function performs various calculations to determine the path based on the operation's parameters and context. It checks for changes in the operation's data and updates relevant tags accordingly. Depending on the number of machine axes specified in the operation, it calls different functions to handle 3-axis, 4-axis, or 5-axis operations. Additionally, if automatic export is enabled, it exports the generated G-code path. Args: context: The context in which the operation is being performed. operation: An object representing the operation with various attributes such as machine_axes, strategy, and auto_export. """ # should do all path calculations. t = time.process_time() # print('ahoj0') # these tags are for caching of some of the results. Not working well still # - although it can save a lot of time during calculation... chd = getChangeData(operation) # print(chd) # print(o.changedata) if operation.changedata != chd: # or 1: operation.update_offsetimage_tag = True operation.update_zbufferimage_tag = True operation.changedata = chd operation.update_silhouete_tag = True operation.update_ambient_tag = True operation.update_bullet_collision_tag = True getOperationSources(operation) = '' checkMemoryLimit(operation) print(operation.machine_axes) if operation.machine_axes == '3': if USE_PROFILER == True: # profiler import cProfile import pstats import io pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() await getPath3axis(context, operation) pr.disable() pr.dump_stats(time.strftime("")) else: await getPath3axis(context, operation) elif (operation.machine_axes == '5' and operation.strategy5axis == 'INDEXED') or ( operation.machine_axes == '4' and operation.strategy4axis == 'INDEXED'): # 5 axis operations are now only 3 axis operations that get rotated... operation.orientation = prepareIndexed(operation) # TODO RENAME THIS await getPath3axis(context, operation) # TODO RENAME THIS cleanupIndexed(operation) # TODO RENAME THIS # transform5axisIndexed elif operation.machine_axes == '4': await getPath4axis(context, operation) # export gcode if automatic. if operation.auto_export: if"cam_path_{}".format( is None: return p =["cam_path_{}".format(] exportGcodePath(operation.filename, [], [operation]) operation.changed = False t1 = time.process_time() - t progress('total time', t1)
[docs] def getChangeData(o): """Check if object properties have changed to determine if image updates are needed. This function inspects the properties of objects specified by the input parameter to see if any changes have occurred. It concatenates the location, rotation, and dimensions of the relevant objects into a single string, which can be used to determine if an image update is necessary based on changes in the object's state. Args: o (object): An object containing properties that specify the geometry source and relevant object or collection names. Returns: str: A string representation of the location, rotation, and dimensions of the specified objects. """ changedata = '' obs = [] if o.geometry_source == 'OBJECT': obs = [[o.object_name]] elif o.geometry_source == 'COLLECTION': obs =[o.collection_name].objects for ob in obs: changedata += str(ob.location) changedata += str(ob.rotation_euler) changedata += str(ob.dimensions) return changedata
[docs] def checkMemoryLimit(o): """Check and adjust the memory limit for an object. This function calculates the resolution of an object based on its dimensions and the specified pixel size. If the calculated resolution exceeds the defined memory limit, it adjusts the pixel size accordingly to reduce the resolution. A warning message is appended to the object's info if the pixel size is modified. Args: o (object): An object containing properties such as max, min, optimisation, and info. Returns: None: This function modifies the object's properties in place and does not return a value. """ # getBounds(o) sx = o.max.x - o.min.x sy = o.max.y - o.min.y resx = sx / o.optimisation.pixsize resy = sy / o.optimisation.pixsize res = resx * resy limit = o.optimisation.imgres_limit * 1000000 # print('co se to deje') if res > limit: ratio = (res / limit) o.optimisation.pixsize = o.optimisation.pixsize * sqrt(ratio) += f"Memory limit: Sampling Resolution Reduced to {o.optimisation.pixsize:.2e}\n" print('Changing Sampling Resolution to %f' % o.optimisation.pixsize)
# this is the main function. # FIXME: split strategies into separate file!
[docs] async def getPath3axis(context, operation): """Generate a machining path based on the specified operation strategy. This function evaluates the provided operation's strategy and generates the corresponding machining path. It supports various strategies such as 'CUTOUT', 'CURVE', 'PROJECTED_CURVE', 'POCKET', and others. Depending on the strategy, it performs specific calculations and manipulations on the input data to create a path that can be used for machining operations. The function handles different strategies by calling appropriate methods from the `strategy` module and processes the path samples accordingly. It also manages the generation of chunks, which represent segments of the machining path, and applies any necessary transformations based on the operation's parameters. Args: context (bpy.context): The Blender context containing scene information. operation (Operation): An object representing the machining operation, which includes strategy and other relevant parameters. Returns: None: This function does not return a value but modifies the state of the operation and context directly. """ s = bpy.context.scene o = operation getBounds(o) tw = time.time() if o.strategy == 'CUTOUT': await strategy.cutout(o) elif o.strategy == 'CURVE': await strategy.curve(o) elif o.strategy == 'PROJECTED_CURVE': await strategy.proj_curve(s, o) elif o.strategy == 'POCKET': await strategy.pocket(o) elif o.strategy in ['PARALLEL', 'CROSS', 'BLOCK', 'SPIRAL', 'CIRCLES', 'OUTLINEFILL', 'CARVE', 'PENCIL', 'CRAZY']: if o.strategy == 'CARVE': pathSamples = [] ob =[o.curve_object] pathSamples.extend(curveToChunks(ob)) # sort before sampling pathSamples = await sortChunks(pathSamples, o) pathSamples = chunksRefine(pathSamples, o) elif o.strategy == 'PENCIL': await prepareArea(o) getAmbient(o) pathSamples = getOffsetImageCavities(o, o.offset_image) pathSamples = limitChunks(pathSamples, o) # sort before sampling pathSamples = await sortChunks(pathSamples, o) elif o.strategy == 'CRAZY': await prepareArea(o) # pathSamples = crazyStrokeImage(o) # this kind of worked and should work: millarea = o.zbuffer_image < o.minz + 0.000001 avoidarea = o.offset_image > o.minz + 0.000001 pathSamples = crazyStrokeImageBinary(o, millarea, avoidarea) ##### pathSamples = await sortChunks(pathSamples, o) pathSamples = chunksRefine(pathSamples, o) else: if o.strategy == 'OUTLINEFILL': getOperationSilhouete(o) pathSamples = getPathPattern(o) if o.strategy == 'OUTLINEFILL': pathSamples = await sortChunks(pathSamples, o) # have to be sorted once before, because of the parenting inside of samplechunks if o.strategy in ['BLOCK', 'SPIRAL', 'CIRCLES']: pathSamples = await connectChunksLow(pathSamples, o) # print (minz) chunks = [] layers = strategy.getLayers(o, o.maxz, o.min.z) print("SAMPLE", chunks.extend(await sampleChunks(o, pathSamples, layers)) print("SAMPLE OK") if o.strategy == 'PENCIL': # and chunks = chunksCoherency(chunks) print('coherency check') # and not o.movement.parallel_step_back: if o.strategy in ['PARALLEL', 'CROSS', 'PENCIL', 'OUTLINEFILL']: print('sorting') chunks = await sortChunks(chunks, o) if o.strategy == 'OUTLINEFILL': chunks = await connectChunksLow(chunks, o) if o.movement.ramp: for ch in chunks: ch.rampZigZag(ch.zstart, None, o) # print(chunks) if o.strategy == 'CARVE': for ch in chunks: ch.offsetZ(-o.carve_depth) # for vi in range(0, len(ch.points)): # ch.points[vi] = (ch.points[vi][0], ch.points[vi][1], ch.points[vi][2] - o.carve_depth) if o.use_bridges: print(chunks) for bridge_chunk in chunks: useBridges(bridge_chunk, o) strategy.chunksToMesh(chunks, o) elif o.strategy == 'WATERLINE' and o.optimisation.use_opencamlib: getAmbient(o) chunks = [] await oclGetWaterline(o, chunks) chunks = limitChunks(chunks, o) if (o.movement.type == 'CLIMB' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CW') or ( o.movement.type == 'CONVENTIONAL' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CCW'): for ch in chunks: ch.reverse() strategy.chunksToMesh(chunks, o) elif o.strategy == 'WATERLINE' and not o.optimisation.use_opencamlib: topdown = True chunks = [] await progress_async('retrieving object slices') await prepareArea(o) layerstep = 1000000000 if o.use_layers: layerstep = floor(o.stepdown / o.slice_detail) if layerstep == 0: layerstep = 1 # for projection of filled areas layerstart = o.max.z # layerend = o.min.z # layers = [[layerstart, layerend]] ####################### nslices = ceil(abs((o.minz-o.maxz) / o.slice_detail)) lastslice = spolygon.Polygon() # polyversion layerstepinc = 0 slicesfilled = 0 getAmbient(o) for h in range(0, nslices): layerstepinc += 1 slicechunks = [] z = o.minz + h * o.slice_detail if h == 0: z += 0.0000001 # if people do mill flat areas, this helps to reach those... # otherwise first layer would actually be one slicelevel above min z. islice = o.offset_image > z slicepolys = imageToShapely(o, islice, with_border=True) poly = spolygon.Polygon() # polygversion lastchunks = [] for p in slicepolys.geoms: poly = poly.union(p) # polygversion TODO: why is this added? nchunks = shapelyToChunks(p, z) nchunks = limitChunks(nchunks, o, force=True) lastchunks.extend(nchunks) slicechunks.extend(nchunks) if len(slicepolys.geoms) > 0: slicesfilled += 1 # if o.waterline_fill: layerstart = min(o.maxz, z + o.slice_detail) # layerend = max(o.min.z, z - o.slice_detail) # layers = [[layerstart, layerend]] ##################################### # fill top slice for normal and first for inverse, fill between polys if not lastslice.is_empty or (o.inverse and not poly.is_empty and slicesfilled == 1): restpoly = None if not lastslice.is_empty: # between polys if o.inverse: restpoly = poly.difference(lastslice) else: restpoly = lastslice.difference(poly) # print('filling between') if (not o.inverse and poly.is_empty and slicesfilled > 0) or ( o.inverse and not poly.is_empty and slicesfilled == 1): # first slice fill restpoly = lastslice restpoly = restpoly.buffer(-o.dist_between_paths, resolution=o.optimisation.circle_detail) fillz = z i = 0 while not restpoly.is_empty: nchunks = shapelyToChunks(restpoly, fillz) # project paths TODO: path projection during waterline is not working if o.waterline_project: nchunks = chunksRefine(nchunks, o) nchunks = await sampleChunks(o, nchunks, layers) nchunks = limitChunks(nchunks, o, force=True) ######################### slicechunks.extend(nchunks) parentChildDist(lastchunks, nchunks, o) lastchunks = nchunks # slicechunks.extend(polyToChunks(restpoly,z)) restpoly = restpoly.buffer(-o.dist_between_paths, resolution=o.optimisation.circle_detail) i += 1 # print(i) i = 0 # fill layers and last slice, last slice with inverse is not working yet # - inverse millings end now always on 0 so filling ambient does have no sense. if (slicesfilled > 0 and layerstepinc == layerstep) or ( not o.inverse and not poly.is_empty and slicesfilled == 1) or ( o.inverse and poly.is_empty and slicesfilled > 0): fillz = z layerstepinc = 0 bound_rectangle = o.ambient restpoly = bound_rectangle.difference(poly) if o.inverse and poly.is_empty and slicesfilled > 0: restpoly = bound_rectangle.difference(lastslice) restpoly = restpoly.buffer(-o.dist_between_paths, resolution=o.optimisation.circle_detail) i = 0 # 'GeometryCollection':#len(restpoly.boundary.coords)>0: while not restpoly.is_empty: # print(i) nchunks = shapelyToChunks(restpoly, fillz) ######################### nchunks = limitChunks(nchunks, o, force=True) slicechunks.extend(nchunks) parentChildDist(lastchunks, nchunks, o) lastchunks = nchunks restpoly = restpoly.buffer(-o.dist_between_paths, resolution=o.optimisation.circle_detail) i += 1 percent = int(h / nslices * 100) await progress_async('waterline layers ', percent) lastslice = poly if (o.movement.type == 'CONVENTIONAL' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CCW') or ( o.movement.type == 'CLIMB' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CW'): for chunk in slicechunks: chunk.reverse() slicechunks = await sortChunks(slicechunks, o) if topdown: slicechunks.reverse() # project chunks in between chunks.extend(slicechunks) if topdown: chunks.reverse() strategy.chunksToMesh(chunks, o) elif o.strategy == 'DRILL': await strategy.drill(o) elif o.strategy == 'MEDIAL_AXIS': await strategy.medial_axis(o) await progress_async(f"Done", time.time() - tw, "s")
[docs] async def getPath4axis(context, operation): """Generate a path for a specified axis based on the given operation. This function retrieves the bounds of the operation and checks the strategy associated with the axis. If the strategy is one of the specified types ('PARALLELR', 'PARALLEL', 'HELIX', 'CROSS'), it generates path samples and processes them into chunks for meshing. The function utilizes various helper functions to achieve this, including obtaining layers and sampling chunks. Args: context: The context in which the operation is executed. operation: An object that contains the strategy and other necessary parameters for generating the path. Returns: None: This function does not return a value but modifies the state of the operation by processing chunks for meshing. """ o = operation getBounds(o) if o.strategy4axis in ['PARALLELR', 'PARALLEL', 'HELIX', 'CROSS']: path_samples = getPathPattern4axis(o) depth = path_samples[0].depth chunks = [] layers = strategy.getLayers(o, 0, depth) chunks.extend(await sampleChunksNAxis(o, path_samples, layers)) strategy.chunksToMesh(chunks, o)