Source code for cam.polygon_utils_cam

"""BlenderCAM '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

Functions to handle shapely operations and conversions - curve, coords, polygon

from math import pi

import shapely
from shapely.geometry import polygon as spolygon
from shapely import geometry as sgeometry

from mathutils import Euler, Vector
    import bl_ext.blender_org.simplify_curves_plus as curve_simplify
except ImportError:

[docs] SHAPELY = True
[docs] def Circle(r, np): """Generate a circle defined by a given radius and number of points. This function creates a polygon representing a circle by generating a list of points based on the specified radius and the number of points (np). It uses vector rotation to calculate the coordinates of each point around the circle. The resulting points are then used to create a polygon object. Args: r (float): The radius of the circle. np (int): The number of points to generate around the circle. Returns: spolygon.Polygon: A polygon object representing the circle. """ c = [] v = Vector((r, 0, 0)) e = Euler((0, 0, 2.0 * pi / np)) for a in range(0, np): c.append((v.x, v.y)) v.rotate(e) p = spolygon.Polygon(c) return p
[docs] def shapelyRemoveDoubles(p, optimize_threshold): """Remove duplicate points from the boundary of a shape. This function simplifies the boundary of a given shape by removing duplicate points using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm. It iterates through each contour of the shape, applies the simplification, and adds the resulting contours to a new shape. The optimization threshold can be adjusted to control the level of simplification. Args: p (Shape): The shape object containing boundaries to be simplified. optimize_threshold (float): A threshold value that influences the simplification process. Returns: Shape: A new shape object with simplified boundaries. """ optimize_threshold *= 0.000001 soptions = ['distance', 'distance', 0.0, 5, optimize_threshold, 5, optimize_threshold] for ci, c in enumerate(p.boundary): # in range(0,len(p)): veclist = [] for v in c: veclist.append(Vector((v[0], v[1]))) s = curve_simplify.simplify_RDP(veclist, soptions) nc = [] for i in range(0, len(s)): nc.append(c[s[i]]) if len(nc) > 2: pnew.addContour(nc, p.isHole(ci)) else: pnew.addContour(p[ci], p.isHole(ci)) return pnew
[docs] def shapelyToMultipolygon(anydata): """Convert a Shapely geometry to a MultiPolygon. This function takes a Shapely geometry object and converts it to a MultiPolygon. If the input geometry is already a MultiPolygon, it returns it as is. If the input is a Polygon and not empty, it wraps the Polygon in a MultiPolygon. If the input is an empty Polygon, it returns an empty MultiPolygon. For any other geometry type, it prints a message indicating that the conversion was aborted and returns an empty MultiPolygon. Args: anydata (shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): A Shapely geometry object Returns: shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon: A MultiPolygon representation of the input geometry. """ print("geometry type: ", anydata.geom_type) print("anydata empty? ", anydata.is_empty) ## bug: empty mesh circle makes anydata empty: geometry type 'GeometryCollection' if anydata.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon': return anydata elif anydata.geom_type == 'Polygon': if not anydata.is_empty: return shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon([anydata]) else: return sgeometry.MultiPolygon() else: print('Shapely Conversion Aborted') return sgeometry.MultiPolygon()
[docs] def shapelyToCoords(anydata): """Convert a Shapely geometry object to a list of coordinates. This function takes a Shapely geometry object and extracts its coordinates based on the geometry type. It handles various types of geometries including Polygon, MultiPolygon, LineString, MultiLineString, and GeometryCollection. If the geometry is empty or of type MultiPoint, it returns an empty list. The coordinates are returned in a nested list format, where each sublist corresponds to the exterior or interior coordinates of the geometries. Args: anydata (shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): A Shapely geometry object Returns: list: A list of coordinates extracted from the input geometry. The structure of the list depends on the geometry type. """ p = anydata seq = [] # print(p.type) # print(p.geom_type) if p.is_empty: return seq elif p.geom_type == 'Polygon': # print('polygon') clen = len(p.exterior.coords) # seq = sgeometry.asMultiLineString(p) seq = [p.exterior.coords] # print(len(p.interiors)) for interior in p.interiors: seq.append(interior.coords) elif p.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon': clen = 0 seq = [] for sp in p.geoms: clen += len(sp.exterior.coords) seq.append(sp.exterior.coords) for interior in sp.interiors: seq.append(interior.coords) elif p.geom_type == 'MultiLineString': seq = [] for linestring in p.geoms: seq.append(linestring.coords) elif p.geom_type == 'LineString': seq = [] seq.append(p.coords) elif p.geom_type == 'MultiPoint': return elif p.geom_type == 'GeometryCollection': # print(dir(p)) # print(p.geometryType, p.geom_type) clen = 0 seq = [] # print(p.boundary.coordsd) for sp in p.geoms: # TODO clen += len(sp.exterior.coords) seq.append(sp.exterior.coords) for interior in sp.interiors: seq.extend(interior.coords) return seq
[docs] def shapelyToCurve(name, p, z): """Create a 3D curve object in Blender from a Shapely geometry. This function takes a Shapely geometry and converts it into a 3D curve object in Blender. It extracts the coordinates from the Shapely geometry and creates a new curve object with the specified name. The curve is created in the 3D space at the given z-coordinate, with a default weight for the points. Args: name (str): The name of the curve object to be created. p (shapely.geometry): A Shapely geometry object from which to extract coordinates. z (float): The z-coordinate for all points of the curve. Returns: bpy.types.Object: The newly created curve object in Blender. """ import bpy import bmesh from bpy_extras import object_utils verts = [] edges = [] vi = 0 ci = 0 # for c in p.exterior.coords: # print(p.type) seq = shapelyToCoords(p) w = 1 # weight curvedata =, type='CURVE') curvedata.dimensions = '3D' objectdata =, curvedata) objectdata.location = (0, 0, 0) # object origin for c in seq: polyline ='POLY') polyline.points.add(len(c) - 1) for num in range(len(c)): x, y = c[num][0], c[num][1] polyline.points[num].co = (x, y, z, w) = objectdata objectdata.select_set(state=True) for c in c.use_cyclic_u = True return objectdata # bpy.context.active_object