Example Chain Workflow

Example Chain Workflow#

  1. Convert the model from CSG to mesh (in this example FreeCAD is used for conversion). The Precision setting is very important for obtaining the correct result.

Tesselation with Freecad

Result with Freecad

  1. Save the mesh as PLY or STL.

  2. Import mesh to Blender.

Import Stl

  1. Use and Apply the ‘Edge Split’ modifier.

Edge split modifier

  1. Enter Edit Mode, Select the surface (in Face Select mode) that will be a curve source, and ‘Separate’ it. Use Select Linked (shortcut L) to select connected faces.

Separate selection

  1. Repeat with other curve sources.

Separate selection 2

  1. Use Set Origin to Geometry on all separated surfaces.

Separate selection 2

  1. Exit Edit Mode and Select separated surfaces. Convert them to curves using Object > Convert > Curve

Convert to curve

(or you can use Object Silhouette from the [ Curve Tools ] panel)

Cam Panel

Object silhouette

  1. Edit curves to separate holes from external contour.

Object silhouette

  1. Add Pocket and Profile operations :

Pocket 1 Pocket 2 Profile 1 Profile 2

For pads and pockets some curves may need to be modified in Edit Mode

It’s highly recommended to create roughing and finishing passes.

For the roughing pass add an offset by altering cutter’s diameter.

For Profile operation, ‘First Down’ and ‘Ramp In’ options are recommended. ‘First Down’ helps avoid non-cutting moves and ‘Ramp In’ reduces cutter load by avoiding vertical plunge into material.

For Pocket operation instead of ‘Ramp In’ try using ‘Helix enter’ option.