Source code for cam.joinery

"""BlenderCAM '' © 2021 Alain Pelletier

Functions to create various woodworking joints - mortise, finger etc.

# blender operators definitions are in this file. They mostly call the functions from
from math import (

from shapely.geometry import (

import bpy

from . import (

# boolean operations for curve objects

[docs] def finger_amount(space, size): """Calculates the amount of fingers needed from the available space vs the size of the finger Args: space (float):available distance to cover size (float): size of the finger """ finger_amt = space / size if (finger_amt % 1) != 0: finger_amt = round(finger_amt) + 1 if (finger_amt % 2) != 0: finger_amt = round(finger_amt) + 1 return finger_amt
[docs] def mortise(length, thickness, finger_play, cx=0, cy=0, rotation=0): """Generates a mortise of length, thickness and finger_play tolerance cx and cy are the center position and rotation is the angle Args: length (float): length of the mortise thickness (float): thickness of material finger_play (float): tolerance for good fit cx (float): coordinate for x center of the finger cy (float):coordinate for y center of the finger rotation (float): angle of rotation """ bpy.ops.curve.simple(align='WORLD', location=(cx, cy, 0), rotation=(0, 0, rotation), Simple_Type='Rectangle', Simple_width=length + finger_play, Simple_length=thickness, shape='3D', outputType='POLY', use_cyclic_u=True, handleType='AUTO', edit_mode=False) simple.active_name("_mortise")
[docs] def interlock_groove(length, thickness, finger_play, cx=0, cy=0, rotation=0): """Generates an interlocking groove. Args: length (float): Length of groove thickness (float): thickness of groove finger_play (float): tolerance for proper fit cx (float): center offset x cy (float): center offset y rotation (float): angle of rotation """ mortise(length, thickness, finger_play, 0, 0, 0) bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(length / 2 - finger_play / 2, 0.0, 0.0)) bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=False, scale=False) bpy.context.active_object.rotation_euler.z = rotation bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(cx, cy, 0.0)) simple.active_name("_groove")
[docs] def interlock_twist(length, thickness, finger_play, cx=0, cy=0, rotation=0, percentage=0.5): """Generates an interlocking twist. Args: length (float): Length of groove thickness (float): thickness of groove finger_play (float): tolerance for proper fit cx (float): center offset x cy (float): center offset y rotation (float): angle of rotation percentage (float): percentage amount the twist will take (between 0 and 1) """ mortise(length, thickness, finger_play, 0, 0, 0) simple.active_name("_tmp") mortise(length * percentage, thickness, finger_play, 0, 0, pi / 2) simple.active_name("_tmp") h = hypot(thickness, length * percentage) oangle = degrees(asin(length * percentage / h)) bpy.ops.curve.simple(align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), Simple_Type='Sector', Simple_startangle=90 + oangle, Simple_endangle=180 - oangle, Simple_radius=h / 2, use_cyclic_u=True, edit_mode=False) simple.active_name("_tmp") bpy.ops.curve.simple(align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), Simple_Type='Sector', Simple_startangle=270 + oangle, Simple_endangle=360 - oangle, Simple_radius=h / 2, use_cyclic_u=True, edit_mode=False) simple.active_name("_tmp") simple.union('_tmp') simple.rotate(rotation) simple.move(x=cx, y=cy) simple.active_name("_groove") simple.remove_doubles()
[docs] def twist_line(length, thickness, finger_play, percentage, amount, distance, center=True): """Generates a multiple interlocking twist. Args: length (float): Length of groove thickness (float): thickness of groove finger_play (float): tolerance for proper fit percentage (float): percentage amount the twist will take (between 0 and 1) amount (int):amount of twists generated distance (float): distance between twists center (bool): center or not from origin """ spacing = distance / amount while amount > 0: position = spacing * amount interlock_twist(length, thickness, finger_play, percentage=percentage, cx=position) print('twistline', amount, distance, position) amount -= 1 simple.join_multiple('_groove') simple.active_name('twist_line') if center: simple.move(x=(-distance-spacing)/2)
[docs] def twist_separator_slot(length, thickness, finger_play=0.00005, percentage=0.5): """Generates a slot for interlocking twist separator. Args: length (float): Length of slot thickness (float): thickness of slot finger_play (float): tolerance for proper fit percentage (float): percentage amount the twist will take (between 0 and 1) """ simple.add_rectangle(thickness+finger_play/2, length, center_y=False) simple.move(y=((length*percentage-finger_play/2)/2)) simple.duplicate() simple.mirrory() simple.join_multiple('simple_rectangle') simple.active_name('_separator_slot')
[docs] def interlock_twist_separator(length, thickness, amount, spacing, edge_distance, finger_play=0.00005, percentage=0.5, start='rounded', end='rounded'): """Generates a interlocking twist separator. Args: length (float): Length of separator thickness (float): thickness of separator amount (int): quantity of separation grooves spacing (float): distance between slots edge_distance (float): distance of the first slots close to the edge finger_play (float): tolerance for proper fit percentage (float): percentage amount the twist will take (between 0 and 1) start (string): type of start wanted (rounded, flat or other) not implemented start (string): type of end wanted (rounded, flat or other) not implemented """ amount -= 1 base_width = 2*edge_distance+spacing*amount+thickness simple.add_rectangle(base_width, length-finger_play*2, center_x=False) simple.active_name('_base') twist_separator_slot(length, thickness, finger_play, percentage) while amount > 0: simple.duplicate(x=spacing) amount -= 1 simple.join_multiple('_separator_slot') simple.move(x=edge_distance+thickness/2) simple.difference('_', '_base') simple.active_name('twist_separator')
[docs] def horizontal_finger(length, thickness, finger_play, amount, center=True): """Generates an interlocking horizontal finger pair _wfa and _wfb. _wfa is centered at 0,0 _wfb is _wfa offset by one length Args: length (float): Length of mortise thickness (float): thickness of material amount (int): quantity of fingers finger_play (float): tolerance for proper fit center (bool): centered of not """ if center: for i in range(amount): if i == 0: mortise(length, thickness, finger_play, 0, thickness / 2) simple.active_name("_width_finger") else: mortise(length, thickness, finger_play, i * 2 * length, thickness / 2) simple.active_name("_width_finger") mortise(length, thickness, finger_play, -i * 2 * length, thickness / 2) simple.active_name("_width_finger") else: for i in range(amount): mortise(length, thickness, finger_play, length / 2 + 2 * i * length, 0) simple.active_name("_width_finger") simple.join_multiple("_width_finger") simple.active_name("_wfa") bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"linked": False, "mode": 'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (length, 0.0, 0.0)}) simple.active_name("_wfb")
[docs] def vertical_finger(length, thickness, finger_play, amount): """Generates an interlocking horizontal finger pair _vfa and _vfb. _vfa is starts at 0,0 _vfb is _vfa offset by one length Args: length (float): Length of mortise thickness (float): thickness of material amount (int): quantity of fingers finger_play (float): tolerance for proper fit """ for i in range(amount): mortise(length, thickness, finger_play, 0, i * 2 * length + length / 2, rotation=pi / 2) simple.active_name("_height_finger") simple.join_multiple("_height_finger") simple.active_name("_vfa") bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"linked": False, "mode": 'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, -length, 0.0)}) simple.active_name("_vfb")
[docs] def finger_pair(name, dx=0, dy=0): """Creates a duplicate set of fingers. Args: name (str): name of original finger dx (float): x offset dy (float): y offset """ simple.make_active(name) xpos = (dx / 2) * 1.006 ypos = 1.006 * dy / 2 bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"linked": False, "mode": 'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (xpos, ypos, 0.0)}) simple.active_name("_finger_pair") simple.make_active(name) bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"linked": False, "mode": 'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (-xpos, -ypos, 0.0)}) simple.active_name("_finger_pair") simple.join_multiple("_finger_pair") bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') return bpy.context.active_object
[docs] def create_base_plate(height, width, depth): """ Creates blank plates for a box. Args: height (float): height size for box width (float): width size for box depth (float): depth size for box """ bpy.ops.curve.simple(align='WORLD', location=(0, height / 2, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), Simple_Type='Rectangle', Simple_width=width, Simple_length=height, shape='3D', outputType='POLY', use_cyclic_u=True, handleType='AUTO', edit_mode=False) simple.active_name("_back") bpy.ops.curve.simple(align='WORLD', location=(0, height / 2, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), Simple_Type='Rectangle', Simple_width=depth, Simple_length=height, shape='3D', outputType='POLY', use_cyclic_u=True, handleType='AUTO', edit_mode=False) simple.active_name("_side") bpy.ops.curve.simple(align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), Simple_Type='Rectangle', Simple_width=width, Simple_length=depth, shape='3D', outputType='POLY', use_cyclic_u=True, handleType='AUTO', edit_mode=False) simple.active_name("_bottom")
[docs] def make_flex_pocket(length, height, finger_thick, finger_width, pocket_width): """creates pockets using mortise function for kerf bending Args: length (float): Length of pocket height (float): height of pocket finger_thick (float): thickness of finger finger_width (float): width of finger pocket_width (float): width of pocket """ dist = 3 * finger_width / 2 while dist < length: mortise(height - 2 * finger_thick, pocket_width, 0, dist, 0, pi / 2) simple.active_name("_flex_pocket") dist += finger_width * 2 simple.join_multiple("_flex_pocket") simple.active_name("flex_pocket")
[docs] def make_variable_flex_pocket(height, finger_thick, pocket_width, locations): """creates pockets pocket using mortise function for kerf bending Args: height (float): height of the side finger_thick (float): thickness of the finger pocket_width (float): width of pocket locations (tuple): coordinates for pocket """ for dist in locations: mortise(height + 2 * finger_thick, pocket_width, 0, dist, 0, pi / 2) simple.active_name("_flex_pocket") simple.join_multiple("_flex_pocket") simple.active_name("flex_pocket")
[docs] def create_flex_side(length, height, finger_thick, top_bottom=False): """ crates a flex side for mortise on curve. Assumes the base fingers were created and exist Args: length (float): length of curve height (float): height of side finger_thick (float): finger thickness or thickness of material top_bottom (bool): fingers on top and bottom if true, just on bottom if false """ if top_bottom: fingers = finger_pair("base", 0, height - finger_thick) else: simple.make_active("base") fingers = bpy.context.active_object bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.0, height / 2 - finger_thick / 2 + 0.0003, 0.0)) bpy.ops.curve.simple(align='WORLD', location=(length / 2 + 0.00025, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), Simple_Type='Rectangle', Simple_width=length, Simple_length=height, shape='3D', outputType='POLY', use_cyclic_u=True, handleType='AUTO', edit_mode=False) simple.active_name("no_fingers") bpy.ops.curve.simple(align='WORLD', location=(length / 2 + 0.00025, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), Simple_Type='Rectangle', Simple_width=length, Simple_length=height, shape='3D', outputType='POLY', use_cyclic_u=True, handleType='AUTO', edit_mode=False) simple.active_name("_side") simple.make_active('_side') fingers.select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.curve_boolean(boolean_type='DIFFERENCE') simple.active_name("side") simple.remove_multiple('_') simple.remove_multiple('base')
[docs] def angle(a, b): """returns angle of a vector Args: a (tuple): point a x,y coordinates b (tuple): point b x,y coordinates """ return atan2(b[1] - a[1], b[0] - a[0])
[docs] def angle_difference(a, b, c): """returns the difference between two lines with three points Args: a (tuple): point a x,y coordinates b (tuple): point b x,y coordinates c (tuple): point c x,y coordinates """ return angle(a, b) - angle(b, c)
[docs] def fixed_finger(loop, loop_length, finger_size, finger_thick, finger_tolerance, base=False): """distributes mortises of a fixed distance. Dynamically changes the finger tolerance with the angle differences Args: loop (list of tuples): takes in a shapely shape loop_length (float): length of loop finger_size (float): size of the mortise finger_thick (float): thickness of the material finger_tolerance (float): minimum finger tolerance base (bool): if base exists, it will join with it """ coords = list(loop.coords) old_mortise_angle = 0 distance = finger_size / 2 j = 0 print("Joinery Loop Length", round(loop_length * 1000), "mm") for i, p in enumerate(coords): if i == 0: p_start = p if p != p_start: not_start = True else: not_start = False pd = loop.project(Point(p)) if not_start: while distance <= pd: mortise_angle = angle(oldp, p) mortise_angle_difference = abs(mortise_angle - old_mortise_angle) mad = (1 + 6 * min(mortise_angle_difference, pi / 4) / ( pi / 4)) # factor for tolerance for the finger if base: mortise(finger_size, finger_thick, finger_tolerance * mad, distance, 0, 0) simple.active_name("_base") else: mortise_point = loop.interpolate(distance) mortise(finger_size, finger_thick, finger_tolerance * mad, mortise_point.x, mortise_point.y, mortise_angle) j += 1 distance = j * 2 * finger_size + finger_size / 2 old_mortise_angle = mortise_angle oldp = p if base: simple.join_multiple("_base") simple.active_name("base") simple.move(x=finger_size) else: simple.join_multiple("_mort") simple.active_name("mortise")
[docs] def find_slope(p1, p2): """returns slope of a vector Args: p1 (tuple): point 1 x,y coordinates p2 (tuple): point 2 x,y coordinates """ return (p2[1] - p1[1]) / max(p2[0] - p1[0], 0.00001)
[docs] def slope_array(loop): """Returns an array of slopes from loop coordinates. Args: loop (list of tuples): list of coordinates for a curve """ simple.remove_multiple("-") coords = list(loop.coords) # pnt_amount = round(length / resolution) sarray = [] dsarray = [] for i, p in enumerate(coords): distance = loop.project(Point(p)) if i != 0: slope = find_slope(p, oldp) sarray.append((distance, slope * -0.001)) oldp = p for i, p in enumerate(sarray): distance = p[0] if i != 0: slope = find_slope(p, oldp) if abs(slope) > 10: print(distance) dsarray.append((distance, slope * -0.00001)) oldp = p derivative = LineString(sarray) dderivative = LineString(dsarray) utils.shapelyToCurve('-derivative', derivative, 0.0) utils.shapelyToCurve('-doublederivative', dderivative, 0.0) return sarray
[docs] def dslope_array(loop, resolution=0.001): """Returns a double derivative array or slope of the slope Args: loop (list of tuples): list of coordinates for a curve resolution (float): granular resolution of the array """ length = loop.length pnt_amount = round(length / resolution) sarray = [] dsarray = [] for i in range(pnt_amount): distance = i * resolution pt = loop.interpolate(distance) p = (pt.x, pt.y) if i != 0: slope = abs(angle(p, oldp)) sarray.append((distance, slope * -0.01)) oldp = p for i, p in enumerate(sarray): distance = p[0] if i != 0: slope = find_slope(p, oldp) if abs(slope) > 10: print(distance) dsarray.append((distance, slope * -0.1)) oldp = p dderivative = LineString(dsarray) utils.shapelyToCurve('doublederivative', dderivative, 0.0) return sarray
[docs] def variable_finger(loop, loop_length, min_finger, finger_size, finger_thick, finger_tolerance, adaptive, base=False, double_adaptive=False): """Distributes mortises of a fixed distance. Dynamically changes the finger tolerance with the angle differences Args: loop (list of tuples): takes in a shapely shape loop_length (float): length of loop finger_size (float): size of the mortise finger_thick (float): thickness of the material min_finger (float): minimum finger size finger_tolerance (float): minimum finger tolerance adaptive (float): angle threshold to reduce finger size base (bool): join with base if true double_adaptive (bool): uses double adaptive algorithm if true """ coords = list(loop.coords) old_mortise_angle = 0 distance = min_finger / 2 finger_sz = min_finger oldfinger_sz = min_finger hpos = [] # hpos is the horizontal positions of the middle of the mortise # slope_array(loop) print("joinery loop length", round(loop_length * 1000), "mm") for i, p in enumerate(coords): if i == 0: p_start = p if p != p_start: not_start = True else: not_start = False pd = loop.project(Point(p)) if not_start: while distance <= pd: mortise_angle = angle(oldp, p) mortise_angle_difference = abs(mortise_angle - old_mortise_angle) mad = (1 + 6 * min(mortise_angle_difference, pi / 4) / ( pi / 4)) # factor for tolerance for the finger # move finger by the factor mad greater with larger angle difference distance += mad * finger_tolerance mortise_point = loop.interpolate(distance) if mad > 2 and double_adaptive: hpos.append(distance) # saves the mortise center hpos.append(distance + finger_sz) # saves the mortise center if base: mortise(finger_sz, finger_thick, finger_tolerance * mad, distance + finger_sz, 0, 0) simple.active_name("_base") else: mortise(finger_sz, finger_thick, finger_tolerance * mad, mortise_point.x, mortise_point.y, mortise_angle) if i == 1: # put a mesh cylinder at the first coordinates to indicate start simple.remove_multiple("start_here") bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=finger_thick / 2, depth=0.025, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(mortise_point.x, mortise_point.y, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)) simple.active_name("start_here_mortise") old_distance = distance old_mortise_point = mortise_point finger_sz = finger_size next_angle_difference = pi # adaptive finger length start while finger_sz > min_finger and next_angle_difference > adaptive: # while finger_sz > min_finger and next_angle_difference > adaptive: # reduce the size of finger by a percentage... the closer to 1.0, the slower finger_sz *= 0.95 distance = old_distance + 3 * oldfinger_sz / 2 + finger_sz / 2 mortise_point = loop.interpolate(distance) # get the next mortise point next_mortise_angle = angle((old_mortise_point.x, old_mortise_point.y), (mortise_point.x, mortise_point.y)) # calculate next angle next_angle_difference = abs(next_mortise_angle - mortise_angle) oldfinger_sz = finger_sz old_mortise_angle = mortise_angle oldp = p if base: simple.join_multiple("_base") simple.active_name("base") else: print("placeholder") simple.join_multiple("_mort") simple.active_name("variable_mortise") return hpos
[docs] def single_interlock(finger_depth, finger_thick, finger_tolerance, x, y, groove_angle, type, amount=1, twist_percentage=0.5): """Generates a single interlock at coodinate x,y. Args: finger_depth (float): depth of finger finger_thick (float): thickness of finger finger_tolerance (float): tolerance for proper fit x (float): offset x y (float): offset y groove_angle (float): angle of rotation type (str): GROOVE, TWIST, PUZZLE are the valid choices twist_percentage: percentage of thickness for twist (not used in puzzle or groove) """ if type == "GROOVE": interlock_groove(finger_depth, finger_thick, finger_tolerance, x, y, groove_angle) elif type == "TWIST": interlock_twist(finger_depth, finger_thick, finger_tolerance, x, y, groove_angle, percentage=twist_percentage) elif type == "PUZZLE": puzzle_joinery.fingers(finger_thick, finger_tolerance)
[docs] def distributed_interlock(loop, loop_length, finger_depth, finger_thick, finger_tolerance, finger_amount, tangent=0, fixed_angle=0, start=0.01, end=0.01, closed=True, type='GROOVE', twist_percentage=0.5): """Distributes interlocking joints of a fixed amount. Dynamically changes the finger tolerance with the angle differences Args: loop (list of tuples): coordinates curve loop_length (float): length of the curve finger_depth (float): depth of the mortise finger_thick (float) thickness of the material finger_tolerance (float): minimum finger tolerance finger_amount (int): quantity of fingers tangent (int): fixed_angle (float): 0 will be variable, desired angle for the finger closed (bool): False:open curve - True:closed curved twist_percentage = portion of twist finger which is the stem (for twist joint only) type (str): GROOVE, TWIST, PUZZLE are the valid choices start (float): start distance from first point end (float): end distance from last point """ coords = list(loop.coords) print(closed) if not closed: spacing = (loop_length - start - end) / (finger_amount-1) distance = start end_distance = loop_length - end else: spacing = loop_length / finger_amount distance = 0 end_distance = loop_length j = 0 print("Joinery Loop Length", round(loop_length * 1000), "mm") print("Distance Between Joints", round(spacing * 1000), "mm") for i, p in enumerate(coords): if i == 0: p_start = p if p != p_start: not_start = True else: not_start = False pd = loop.project(Point(p)) if not_start: while distance <= pd and end_distance >= distance: if fixed_angle == 0: groove_angle = angle(oldp, p) + pi / 2 + tangent else: groove_angle = fixed_angle groove_point = loop.interpolate(distance) print(j, "groove_angle", round(180 * groove_angle / pi), "distance", round(distance * 1000), "mm") single_interlock(finger_depth, finger_thick, finger_tolerance, groove_point.x, groove_point.y, groove_angle, type, twist_percentage=twist_percentage) j += 1 distance = j * spacing + start oldp = p simple.join_multiple("_groove") simple.active_name("interlock")