Source code for cam.operators.bridges_op

"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

Blender Operator definitions are in this file.
They mostly call the functions from ''

import bpy
from bpy.types import Operator

from ..bridges import add_auto_bridges

[docs] class CamBridgesAdd(Operator): """Add Bridge Objects to Curve"""
[docs] bl_idname = "scene.cam_bridges_add"
[docs] bl_label = "Add Bridges / Tabs"
[docs] bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
[docs] def poll(cls, context): return context.scene is not None
[docs] def execute(self, context): """Execute the CAM operation in the given context. This function retrieves the active CAM operation from the current scene and adds automatic bridges to it. It is typically called within the context of a Blender operator to perform specific actions related to CAM operations. Args: context: The context in which the operation is executed. Returns: dict: A dictionary indicating the result of the operation, typically containing the key 'FINISHED' to signify successful completion. """ s = bpy.context.scene a = s.cam_active_operation o = s.cam_operations[a] add_auto_bridges(o) return {"FINISHED"}