Source code for cam.operators.simulation_ops

"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

Blender Operator definitions are in this file.
They mostly call the functions from ''

import os

import shapely
from shapely import geometry as sgeometry
from shapely import affinity, prepared, speedups

import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty
from bpy.types import Operator

from .async_op import (

from ..simulation import do_simulation
from ..utilities.operation_utils import (

[docs] class CAMSimulate(Operator, AsyncOperatorMixin): """Simulate CAM Operation This Is Performed by: Creating an Image, Painting Z Depth of the Brush Subtractively. Works only for Some Operations, Can Not Be Used for 4-5 Axis."""
[docs] bl_idname = "object.cam_simulate"
[docs] bl_label = "CAM Simulation"
[docs] bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "BLOCKING"}
[docs] operation: StringProperty( name="Operation", description="Specify the operation to calculate", default="Operation", )
[docs] async def execute_async(self, context): """Execute an asynchronous simulation operation based on the active CAM operation. This method retrieves the current scene and the active CAM operation. It constructs the operation name and checks if the corresponding object exists in the Blender data. If it does, it attempts to run the simulation asynchronously. If the simulation is cancelled, it returns a cancellation status. If the object does not exist, it reports an error and returns a finished status. Args: context: The context in which the operation is executed. Returns: dict: A dictionary indicating the status of the operation, either {'CANCELLED'} or {'FINISHED'}. """ s = bpy.context.scene operation = s.cam_operations[s.cam_active_operation] operation_name = "cam_path_{}".format( if operation_name in try: await do_simulation(operation_name, [operation]) except AsyncCancelledException as e: return {"CANCELLED"} else:{"ERROR"}, "No Computed Path to Simulate") return {"FINISHED"} return {"FINISHED"}
[docs] def draw(self, context): """Draws the user interface for selecting CAM operations. This method creates a layout element in the user interface that allows users to search and select a specific CAM operation from a list of available operations defined in the current scene. It utilizes the Blender Python API to integrate with the UI. Args: context: The context in which the drawing occurs, typically provided by Blender's UI system. """ layout = self.layout layout.prop_search(self, "operation", bpy.context.scene, "cam_operations")
[docs] class CAMSimulateChain(Operator, AsyncOperatorMixin): """Simulate CAM Chain, Compared to Single Op Simulation Just Writes Into One Image and Thus Enables to See how Ops Work Together."""
[docs] bl_idname = "object.cam_simulate_chain"
[docs] bl_label = "CAM Simulation"
[docs] bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "BLOCKING"}
[docs] def poll(cls, context): """Check the validity of the active CAM chain in the scene. This method retrieves the currently active CAM chain from the scene's CAM chains and checks its validity using the `isChainValid` function. It returns a boolean indicating whether the active CAM chain is valid. Args: context (object): The context containing the scene and its properties. Returns: bool: True if the active CAM chain is valid, False otherwise. """ s = context.scene if len(s.cam_chains) > 0: chain = s.cam_chains[s.cam_active_chain] return chain_valid(chain, context)[0] else: return False
[docs] operation: StringProperty( name="Operation", description="Specify the operation to calculate", default="Operation", )
[docs] async def execute_async(self, context): """Execute an asynchronous simulation for a specified CAM chain. This method retrieves the active CAM chain from the current Blender scene and determines the operations associated with that chain. It checks if all operations are valid and can be simulated. If valid, it proceeds to execute the simulation asynchronously. If any operation is invalid, it logs a message and returns a finished status without performing the Args: context: The context in which the operation is executed. Returns: dict: A dictionary indicating the status of the operation, either operation completed successfully. """ s = bpy.context.scene chain = s.cam_chains[s.cam_active_chain] chainops = get_chain_operations(chain) canSimulate = True for operation in chainops: if not in canSimulate = True # force true print("Operation Name " + str( if canSimulate: try: await do_simulation(, chainops) except AsyncCancelledException as e: return {"CANCELLED"} else: print("No Computed Path to Simulate") return {"FINISHED"} return {"FINISHED"}
[docs] def draw(self, context): """Draw the user interface for selecting CAM operations. This function creates a user interface element that allows the user to search and select a specific CAM operation from a list of available operations in the current scene. It utilizes the Blender Python API to create a property search layout. Args: context: The context in which the drawing occurs, typically containing information about the current scene and UI elements. """ layout = self.layout layout.prop_search(self, "operation", bpy.context.scene, "cam_operations")