Source code for

"""Fabex ''

All properties of a single CAM Operation.

from math import pi

import numpy
from shapely import geometry as sgeometry

from bpy.props import (
from bpy.types import PropertyGroup
from ..constants import PRECISION
from ..utilities.strategy_utils import (
from ..utilities.operation_utils import (
from .info_props import CAM_INFO_Properties
from .material_props import CAM_MATERIAL_Properties
from .movement_props import CAM_MOVEMENT_Properties
from .optimisation_props import CAM_OPTIMISATION_Properties

[docs] class CAM_OPERATION_Properties(PropertyGroup): ####################### # Imported Properties # #######################
[docs] material: PointerProperty(type=CAM_MATERIAL_Properties)
[docs] info: PointerProperty(type=CAM_INFO_Properties)
[docs] optimisation: PointerProperty(type=CAM_OPTIMISATION_Properties)
[docs] movement: PointerProperty(type=CAM_MOVEMENT_Properties)
######################## # Property Definitions # ########################
[docs] name: StringProperty( name="Operation Name", default="Operation", update=update_rest, )
[docs] filename: StringProperty( name="File Name", default="Operation", update=update_rest, )
[docs] auto_export: BoolProperty( name="Auto Export", description="Export files immediately after path calculation", default=True, )
[docs] remove_redundant_points: BoolProperty( name="Simplify G-code", description="Remove redundant points sharing the same angle" " as the start vector", default=False, )
[docs] simplify_tolerance: IntProperty( name="Tolerance", description="lower number means more precise", default=50, min=1, max=1000, )
[docs] hide_all_others: BoolProperty( name="Hide All Others", description="Hide all other tool paths except toolpath" " associated with selected CAM operation", default=False, )
[docs] parent_path_to_object: BoolProperty( name="Parent Path to Object", description="Parent generated CAM path to source object", default=False, )
[docs] object_name: StringProperty( name="Object", description="Object handled by this operation", update=update_operation_valid, )
[docs] collection_name: StringProperty( name="Collection", description="Object collection handled by this operation", update=update_operation_valid, )
[docs] curve_source: StringProperty( name="Curve Source", description="Curve which will be sampled along the 3D object", update=operation_valid, )
[docs] curve_target: StringProperty( name="Curve Target", description="Curve which will serve as attractor for the " "cutter when the cutter follows the curve", update=operation_valid, )
[docs] source_image_name: StringProperty( name="Image Source", description="image source", update=operation_valid, )
[docs] geometry_source: EnumProperty( name="Data Source", items=( ("OBJECT", "Object", "a"), ("COLLECTION", "Collection of Objects", "a"), ("IMAGE", "Image", "a"), ), description="Geometry source", default="OBJECT", update=update_operation_valid, )
[docs] cutter_type: EnumProperty( name="Cutter", items=( ("END", "End", "End - Flat cutter"), ("BALLNOSE", "Ballnose", "Ballnose cutter"), ("BULLNOSE", "Bullnose", "Bullnose cutter ***placeholder **"), ("VCARVE", "V-carve", "V-carve cutter"), ("BALLCONE", "Ballcone", "Ball with a Cone for Parallel - X"), ("CYLCONE", "Cylinder cone", "Cylinder End with a Cone for Parallel - X"), ("LASER", "Laser", "Laser cutter"), ("PLASMA", "Plasma", "Plasma cutter"), ("CUSTOM", "Custom-EXPERIMENTAL", "Modelled cutter - not well tested yet."), ), description="Type of cutter used", default="END", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] cutter_object_name: StringProperty( name="Cutter Object", description="Object used as custom cutter for this operation", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] machine_axes: EnumProperty( name="Number of Axes", items=( ("3", "3 axis", "a", "EMPTY_DATA", 0), ("4", "4 axis - EXPERIMENTAL", "a", "EXPERIMENTAL", 1), ("5", "5 axis - EXPERIMENTAL", "a", "EXPERIMENTAL", 2), ), description="How many axes will be used for the operation", default="3", update=update_strategy, )
[docs] strategy: EnumProperty( name="Strategy", items=get_strategy_list, description="Strategy", update=update_strategy, )
[docs] strategy_4_axis: EnumProperty( name="4 Axis Strategy", items=( ( "PARALLELR", "Parallel around 1st rotary axis", "Parallel lines around first rotary axis", ), ( "PARALLEL", "Parallel along 1st rotary axis", "Parallel lines along first rotary axis", ), ("HELIX", "Helix around 1st rotary axis", "Helix around rotary axis"), ("INDEXED", "Indexed 3-axis", "all 3 axis strategies, just applied to the 4th axis"), ("CROSS", "Cross", "Cross paths"), ), description="#Strategy", default="PARALLEL", update=update_strategy, )
[docs] strategy_5_axis: EnumProperty( name="Strategy", items=(("INDEXED", "Indexed 3-axis", "All 3 axis strategies, just rotated by 4+5th axes"),), description="5 axis Strategy", default="INDEXED", update=update_strategy, )
[docs] rotary_axis_1: EnumProperty( name="Rotary Axis", items=( ("X", "X", ""), ("Y", "Y", ""), ("Z", "Z", ""), ), description="Around which axis rotates the first rotary axis", default="X", update=update_strategy, )
[docs] rotary_axis_2: EnumProperty( name="Rotary Axis 2", items=( ("X", "X", ""), ("Y", "Y", ""), ("Z", "Z", ""), ), description="Around which axis rotates the second rotary axis", default="Z", update=update_strategy, )
[docs] skin: FloatProperty( name="Skin", description="Material to leave when roughing ", min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.0, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_offset_image, )
[docs] inverse: BoolProperty( name="Inverse Milling", description="Male to female model conversion", default=False, update=update_offset_image, )
[docs] array: BoolProperty( name="Use Array", description="Create a repetitive array for producing the " "same thing many times", default=False, update=update_rest, )
[docs] array_x_count: IntProperty( name="X Count", description="X count", default=1, min=1, max=32000, update=update_rest, )
[docs] array_y_count: IntProperty( name="Y Count", description="Y count", default=1, min=1, max=32000, update=update_rest, )
[docs] array_x_distance: FloatProperty( name="X Distance", description="Distance between operation origins", min=0.00001, max=1.0, default=0.01, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] array_y_distance: FloatProperty( name="Y Distance", description="Distance between operation origins", min=0.00001, max=1.0, default=0.01, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
########## # Pocket # ##########
[docs] pocket_option: EnumProperty( name="Start Position", items=(("INSIDE", "Inside", "a"), ("OUTSIDE", "Outside", "a")), description="Pocket starting position", default="INSIDE", update=update_rest, )
[docs] pocket_type: EnumProperty( name="pocket type", items=( ("PERIMETER", "Perimeter", "a", "", 0), ("PARALLEL", "Parallel", "a", "EXPERIMENTAL", 1), ), description="Type of pocket", default="PERIMETER", update=update_rest, )
[docs] parallel_pocket_angle: FloatProperty( name="Parallel Pocket Angle", description="Angle for parallel pocket", min=-180, max=180.0, default=45.0, precision=PRECISION, update=update_rest, )
[docs] parallel_pocket_crosshatch: BoolProperty( name="Crosshatch #", description="Crosshatch X finish", default=False, update=update_rest, )
[docs] parallel_pocket_contour: BoolProperty( name="Contour Finish", description="Contour path finish", default=False, update=update_rest, )
[docs] pocket_to_curve: BoolProperty( name="Pocket to Curve", description="Generates a curve instead of a path", default=False, update=update_rest, )
########## # Cutout # ##########
[docs] cut_type: EnumProperty( name="Cut", items=(("OUTSIDE", "Outside", "a"), ("INSIDE", "Inside", "a"), ("ONLINE", "On Line", "a")), description="Type of cutter used", default="OUTSIDE", update=update_rest, )
[docs] outlines_count: IntProperty( name="Outlines Count", description="Outlines count", default=1, min=1, max=32, update=update_cutout, )
[docs] straight: BoolProperty( name="Overshoot Style", description="Use overshoot cutout instead of conventional rounded", default=True, update=update_rest, )
########## # Cutter # ##########
[docs] cutter_id: IntProperty( name="Tool Number", description="For machines which support tool change based on tool id", min=0, max=10000, default=1, update=update_rest, )
[docs] cutter_diameter: FloatProperty( name="Cutter Diameter", description="Cutter diameter = 2x cutter radius", min=0.000001, max=10, default=0.003, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_offset_image, )
[docs] cylcone_diameter: FloatProperty( name="Bottom Diameter", description="Bottom diameter", min=0.000001, max=10, default=0.003, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_offset_image, )
[docs] cutter_length: FloatProperty( name="#Cutter Length", description="#not supported#Cutter length", min=0.0, max=100.0, default=25.0, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_offset_image, )
[docs] cutter_flutes: IntProperty( name="Cutter Flutes", description="Cutter flutes", min=1, max=20, default=2, update=update_chipload, )
[docs] cutter_tip_angle: FloatProperty( name="Cutter V-carve Angle", description="Cutter V-carve angle", default=60.0, # default=pi / 3, min=0.0, max=180.0, # max=pi, # subtype="ANGLE", # unit="ROTATION", precision=PRECISION, step=500, update=update_offset_image, )
[docs] ball_radius: FloatProperty( name="Ball Radius", description="Radius of", min=0.0, max=0.035, default=0.001, unit="LENGTH", precision=PRECISION, update=update_offset_image, )
[docs] bull_corner_radius: FloatProperty( name="Bull Corner Radius", description="Radius tool bit corner", min=0.0, max=0.035, default=0.005, unit="LENGTH", precision=PRECISION, update=update_offset_image, )
[docs] cutter_description: StringProperty( name="Tool Description", default="", update=update_offset_image, )
################## # Laser & Plasma # ##################
[docs] laser_on: StringProperty( name="Laser ON String", default="M68 E0 Q100", )
[docs] laser_off: StringProperty( name="Laser OFF String", default="M68 E0 Q0", )
[docs] laser_cmd: StringProperty( name="Laser Command", default="M68 E0 Q", )
[docs] laser_delay: FloatProperty( name="Laser ON Delay", description="Time after fast move to turn on laser and " "let machine stabilize", default=0.2, )
[docs] plasma_on: StringProperty( name="Plasma ON String", default="M03", )
[docs] plasma_off: StringProperty( name="Plasma OFF String", default="M05", )
[docs] plasma_delay: FloatProperty( name="Plasma ON Delay", description="Time after fast move to turn on Plasma and " "let machine stabilize", default=0.1, )
[docs] plasma_dwell: FloatProperty( name="Plasma Dwell Time", description="Time to dwell and warm up the torch", default=0.0, )
######### # Steps # #########
[docs] distance_between_paths: FloatProperty( name="Distance Between Toolpaths", description="Distance Between / Overlap of Toolpaths - Linked to Cutter Diameter", default=0.001, min=0.00001, max=32, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] distance_along_paths: FloatProperty( name="Distance Along Toolpaths", description="Toolpath Resolution - Details Smaller than this Size Will not be Captured", default=0.0002, min=0.00001, max=32, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] parallel_angle: FloatProperty( name="Angle of Paths", default=0, min=-360, max=360, precision=0, step=500, subtype="ANGLE", unit="ROTATION", update=update_rest, )
[docs] old_rotation_a: FloatProperty( name="A Axis Angle", description="old value of Rotate A axis\nto specified angle", default=0, min=-360, max=360, precision=0, subtype="ANGLE", unit="ROTATION", update=update_rest, )
[docs] old_rotation_b: FloatProperty( name="A Axis Angle", description="old value of Rotate A axis\nto specified angle", default=0, min=-360, max=360, precision=0, subtype="ANGLE", unit="ROTATION", update=update_rest, )
[docs] rotation_a: FloatProperty( name="A Axis Angle", description="Rotate A axis\nto specified angle", default=0, min=-360, max=360, precision=0, step=500, subtype="ANGLE", unit="ROTATION", update=update_rotation, )
[docs] enable_a_axis: BoolProperty( name="Enable A Axis", description="Rotate A axis", default=False, update=update_rotation, )
[docs] a_along_x: BoolProperty( name="A Along X ", description="A Parallel to X", default=True, update=update_rest, )
[docs] rotation_b: FloatProperty( name="B Axis Angle", description="Rotate B axis\nto specified angle", default=0, min=-360, max=360, precision=0, step=500, subtype="ANGLE", unit="ROTATION", update=update_rotation, )
[docs] enable_b_axis: BoolProperty( name="Enable B Axis", description="Rotate B axis", default=False, update=update_rotation, )
######### # Carve # #########
[docs] carve_depth: FloatProperty( name="Carve Depth", default=0.001, min=-0.100, max=32, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
######### # Drill # #########
[docs] drill_type: EnumProperty( name="Holes On", items=( ("MIDDLE_SYMETRIC", "Middle of Symmetric Curves", "a"), ("MIDDLE_ALL", "Middle of All Curve Parts", "a"), ("ALL_POINTS", "All Points in Curve", "a"), ), description="Strategy to detect holes to drill", default="MIDDLE_SYMETRIC", update=update_rest, )
############# # Waterline # #############
[docs] slice_detail: FloatProperty( name="Distance Between Slices", default=0.001, min=0.00001, max=32, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] waterline_fill: BoolProperty( name="Fill Areas Between Slices", description="Fill areas between slices in waterline mode", default=True, update=update_rest, )
[docs] waterline_project: BoolProperty( name="Project Paths - Not Recomended", description="Project paths in areas between slices", default=True, update=update_rest, )
#################### # Movement & Ramps # ####################
[docs] use_layers: BoolProperty( name="Use Layers", description="Use layers for roughing", default=True, update=update_rest, )
[docs] stepdown: FloatProperty( name="", description="Layer height", default=0.01, min=0.00001, max=32, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] lead_in: FloatProperty( name="Lead-in Radius", description="Lead in radius for torch or laser to turn off", min=0.00, max=1, default=0.0, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", )
[docs] lead_out: FloatProperty( name="Lead-out Radius", description="Lead out radius for torch or laser to turn off", min=0.00, max=1, default=0.0, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", )
[docs] profile_start: IntProperty( name="Start Point", description="Start point offset", min=0, default=0, update=update_rest, )
[docs] min_z: FloatProperty( name="Operation Depth End", default=-0.01, min=-3, max=3, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] min_z_from: EnumProperty( name="Max Depth From", description="Set maximum operation depth", items=( ("OBJECT", "Object", "Set max operation depth from Object"), ("MATERIAL", "Material", "Set max operation depth from Material"), ("CUSTOM", "Custom", "Custom max depth"), ), default="OBJECT", update=update_rest, )
[docs] start_type: EnumProperty( name="Start Type", items=( ("ZLEVEL", "Z level", "Starts on a given Z level"), ( "OPERATIONRESULT", "Rest Milling", "For rest milling, operations have to be " "put in chain for this to work well.", ), ), description="Starting depth", default="ZLEVEL", update=update_strategy, )
[docs] max_z: FloatProperty( name="Operation Depth Start", description="operation starting depth", default=0, min=-3, max=10, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, ) # EXPERIMENTAL
[docs] first_down: BoolProperty( name="First Down", description="First go down on a contour, then go to the next one", default=False, update=update_operation, )
######### # Image # #########
[docs] source_image_scale_z: FloatProperty( name="Image Source Depth Scale", default=0.01, min=-1, max=1, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] source_image_size_x: FloatProperty( name="Image Source X Size", default=0.1, min=-10, max=10, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] source_image_size_y: FloatProperty( name="Image Source Y Size", default=0.1, min=-10, max=10, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_image_size_y, )
[docs] source_image_offset: FloatVectorProperty( name="Image Offset", default=(0, 0, 0), unit="LENGTH", precision=PRECISION, subtype="XYZ", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] source_image_crop: BoolProperty( name="Crop Source Image", description="Crop source image - the position of the sub-rectangle " "is relative to the whole image, so it can be used for e.g. " "finishing just a part of an image", default=False, update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] source_image_crop_start_x: FloatProperty( name="Crop Start X", default=0, min=0, max=100, precision=PRECISION, subtype="PERCENTAGE", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] source_image_crop_start_y: FloatProperty( name="Crop Start Y", default=0, min=0, max=100, precision=PRECISION, subtype="PERCENTAGE", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] source_image_crop_end_x: FloatProperty( name="Crop End X", default=100, min=0, max=100, precision=PRECISION, subtype="PERCENTAGE", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] source_image_crop_end_y: FloatProperty( name="Crop End Y", default=100, min=0, max=100, precision=PRECISION, subtype="PERCENTAGE", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
##################### # Toolpath and Area # #####################
[docs] ambient_behaviour: EnumProperty( name="Ambient", items=(("ALL", "All", "a"), ("AROUND", "Around", "a")), description="Handling ambient surfaces", default="ALL", update=update_Z_buffer_image, )
[docs] ambient_radius: FloatProperty( name="Ambient Radius", description="Radius around the part which will be milled if " "ambient is set to Around", min=0.0, max=100.0, default=0.01, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] use_limit_curve: BoolProperty( name="Use Limit Curve", description="A curve limits the operation area", default=False, update=update_rest, )
[docs] ambient_cutter_restrict: BoolProperty( name="Cutter Stays in Ambient Limits", description="Cutter doesn't get out from ambient limits otherwise " "goes on the border exactly", default=True, update=update_rest, ) # restricts cutter inside ambient only
[docs] limit_curve: StringProperty( name="Limit Curve", description="Curve used to limit the area of the operation", update=update_rest, )
######### # Feeds # #########
[docs] feedrate: FloatProperty( name="Feedrate", description="Feedrate in units per minute", min=0.00005, max=50.0, default=1.0, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_chipload, )
[docs] plunge_feedrate: FloatProperty( name="Plunge Speed", description="% of feedrate", min=0.1, max=100.0, default=50.0, precision=1, subtype="PERCENTAGE", update=update_rest, )
[docs] plunge_angle: FloatProperty( name="Plunge Angle", description="What angle is already considered to plunge", default=pi / 6, min=0, max=pi * 0.5, precision=0, step=500, subtype="ANGLE", unit="ROTATION", update=update_rest, )
[docs] spindle_rpm: FloatProperty( name="Spindle RPM", description="Spindle speed ", min=0, max=60000, default=12000, update=update_chipload, )
############################## # Optimisation & Performance # ##############################
[docs] do_simulation_feedrate: BoolProperty( name="Adjust Feedrates with Simulation EXPERIMENTAL", description="Adjust feedrates with simulation", default=False, update=update_rest, )
[docs] dont_merge: BoolProperty( name="Don't Merge Outlines when Cutting", description="this is usefull when you want to cut around everything", default=False, update=update_rest, )
[docs] pencil_threshold: FloatProperty( name="Pencil Threshold", default=0.00002, min=0.00000001, max=1, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] crazy_threshold_1: FloatProperty( name="Min Engagement", default=0.02, min=0.00000001, max=100, precision=PRECISION, update=update_rest, )
[docs] crazy_threshold_2: FloatProperty( name="Max Engagement", default=0.5, min=0.00000001, max=100, precision=PRECISION, update=update_rest, )
[docs] crazy_threshold_3: FloatProperty( name="Max Angle", default=2, min=0.00000001, max=100, precision=PRECISION, update=update_rest, )
[docs] crazy_threshold_4: FloatProperty( name="Test Angle Step", default=0.05, min=0.00000001, max=100, precision=PRECISION, update=update_rest, )
[docs] crazy_threshold_5: FloatProperty( name="Optimal Engagement", default=0.3, min=0.00000001, max=100, precision=PRECISION, update=update_rest, )
########## # Medial # ##########
[docs] add_pocket_for_medial: BoolProperty( name="Add Pocket Operation", description="Clean unremoved material after medial axis", default=True, update=update_rest, )
[docs] add_mesh_for_medial: BoolProperty( name="Add Medial mesh", description="Medial operation returns mesh for editing and " "further processing", default=False, update=update_rest, )
[docs] medial_axis_threshold: FloatProperty( name="Long Vector Threshold", default=0.001, min=0.00000001, max=100, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
[docs] medial_axis_subdivision: FloatProperty( name="Fine Subdivision", default=0.0002, min=0.00000001, max=100, precision=PRECISION, unit="LENGTH", update=update_rest, )
########### # Bridges # ###########
[docs] use_bridges: BoolProperty( name="Use Bridges / Tabs", description="Use bridges in cutout", default=False, update=update_bridges, )
[docs] bridges_width: FloatProperty( name="Bridge / Tab Width", default=0.002, unit="LENGTH", precision=PRECISION, update=update_bridges, )
[docs] bridges_height: FloatProperty( name="Bridge / Tab Height", description="Height from the bottom of the cutting operation", default=0.0005, unit="LENGTH", precision=PRECISION, update=update_bridges, )
[docs] bridges_collection_name: StringProperty( name="Bridges / Tabs Collection", description="Collection of curves used as bridges", update=operation_valid, )
[docs] use_bridge_modifiers: BoolProperty( name="Use Bridge / Tab Modifiers", description="Include bridge curve modifiers using render level when " "calculating operation, does not effect original bridge data", default=True, update=update_bridges, )
[docs] use_modifiers: BoolProperty( name="Use Mesh Modifiers", description="Include mesh modifiers using render level when " "calculating operation, does not effect original mesh", default=True, update=operation_valid, )
############ # Material # ############
[docs] min: FloatVectorProperty( name="Operation Minimum", default=(0, 0, 0), unit="LENGTH", precision=PRECISION, subtype="XYZ", )
[docs] max: FloatVectorProperty( name="Operation Maximum", default=(0, 0, 0), unit="LENGTH", precision=PRECISION, subtype="XYZ", )
######### # Gcode # #########
[docs] output_header: BoolProperty( name="Output G-code Header", description="Output user defined G-code command header" " at start of operation", default=False, )
[docs] gcode_header: StringProperty( name="G-code Header", description="G-code commands at start of operation." " Use ; for line breaks", default="G53 G0", )
[docs] enable_dust: BoolProperty( name="Dust Collector", description="Output user defined g-code command header" " at start of operation", default=False, )
[docs] gcode_start_dust_cmd: StringProperty( name="Start Dust Collector", description="Commands to start dust collection. Use ; for line breaks", default="M100", )
[docs] gcode_stop_dust_cmd: StringProperty( name="Stop Dust Collector", description="Command to stop dust collection. Use ; for line breaks", default="M101", )
[docs] enable_hold: BoolProperty( name="Hold Down", description="Output hold down command at start of operation", default=False, )
[docs] gcode_start_hold_cmd: StringProperty( name="G-code Header", description="G-code commands at start of operation." " Use ; for line breaks", default="M102", )
[docs] gcode_stop_hold_cmd: StringProperty( name="G-code Header", description="G-code commands at end operation. Use ; for line breaks", default="M103", )
[docs] enable_mist: BoolProperty( name="Mist", description="Mist command at start of operation", default=False, )
[docs] gcode_start_mist_cmd: StringProperty( name="Start Mist", description="Command to start mist. Use ; for line breaks", default="M104", )
[docs] gcode_stop_mist_cmd: StringProperty( name="Stop Mist", description="Command to stop mist. Use ; for line breaks", default="M105", )
[docs] output_trailer: BoolProperty( name="Output G-code Trailer", description="Output user defined g-code command trailer" " at end of operation", default=False, )
[docs] gcode_trailer: StringProperty( name="G-code Trailer", description="G-code commands at end of operation." " Use ; for line breaks", default="M02", )
############ # Internal # ############
[docs] offset_image = numpy.array([], dtype=float)
[docs] zbuffer_image = numpy.array([], dtype=float)
[docs] silhouette = sgeometry.Polygon()
[docs] ambient = sgeometry.Polygon()
[docs] operation_limit = sgeometry.Polygon()
[docs] borderwidth = 50
[docs] objects = None
[docs] path_object_name: StringProperty(name="Path Object", description="Actual CNC path")
################# # Update & Tags # #################
[docs] changed: BoolProperty( name="True if any of the Operation Settings has Changed", description="Mark for update", default=False, )
[docs] update_z_buffer_image_tag: BoolProperty( name="Mark Z-Buffer Image for Update", description="Mark for update", default=True, )
[docs] update_offset_image_tag: BoolProperty( name="Mark Offset Image for Update", description="Mark for update", default=True, )
[docs] update_silhouette_tag: BoolProperty( name="Mark Silhouette Image for Update", description="Mark for update", default=True, )
[docs] update_ambient_tag: BoolProperty( name="Mark Ambient Polygon for Update", description="Mark for update", default=True, )
[docs] update_bullet_collision_tag: BoolProperty( name="Mark Bullet Collision World for Update", description="Mark for update", default=True, )
[docs] valid: BoolProperty( name="Valid", description="True if operation is ok for calculation", default=True, )
[docs] change_data: StringProperty( name="Changedata", description="change data for checking if stuff changed.", )
########### # Process # ###########
[docs] computing: BoolProperty( name="Computing Right Now", description="", default=False, )
[docs] pid: IntProperty( name="Process Id", description="Background process id", default=-1, )
[docs] out_text: StringProperty( name="Outtext", description="outtext", default="", )