Source code for cam.utilities.addon_utils

"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

from pathlib import Path
import shutil

import bpy
from import persistent

from ..constants import _IS_LOADING_DEFAULTS

[docs] def addon_dependencies(): addons = bpy.context.preferences.addons modules = [ # Objects & Tools "extra_mesh_objects", "extra_curve_objectes", "simplify_curves_plus", "curve_tools", "print3d_toolbox", # File Formats "stl_format_legacy", "import_autocad_dxf_format_dxf", "export_autocad_dxf_format_dxf", ] for module in modules: if module not in addons: try: addons[f"bl_ext.blender_org.{module}"] except KeyError: bpy.ops.extensions.package_install(repo_index=0, pkg_id=module)
[docs] def load_defaults(addon_prefs): scene = bpy.context.scene # set interface level to previously used level for a new file if not _IS_LOADING_DEFAULTS = True scene.interface.level = addon_prefs.default_interface_level scene.interface.shading = addon_prefs.default_shading scene.interface.layout = addon_prefs.default_layout scene.interface.main_location = addon_prefs.default_main_location scene.interface.operation_location = addon_prefs.default_operation_location scene.interface.tools_location = addon_prefs.default_tools_location machine_preset = addon_prefs.machine_preset = addon_prefs.default_machine_preset if len(machine_preset) > 0: print("Loading Preset:", machine_preset) # load last used machine preset bpy.ops.script.execute_preset( filepath=machine_preset, menu_idname="CAM_MACHINE_MT_presets", ) _IS_LOADING_DEFAULTS = False
[docs] def copy_if_not_exists(src, dst): """Copy a file from source to destination if it does not already exist. This function checks if the destination file exists. If it does not, the function copies the source file to the destination using a high-level file operation that preserves metadata. Args: src (str): The path to the source file to be copied. dst (str): The path to the destination where the file should be copied. """ if Path(dst).exists() == False: shutil.copy2(src, dst)
[docs] def copy_presets(addon_prefs): # copy presets if not there yet preset_source_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "presets" preset_target_path = Path(bpy.utils.script_path_user()) / "presets" shutil.copytree( preset_source_path, preset_target_path, copy_function=copy_if_not_exists, dirs_exist_ok=True, ) bpy.ops.wm.save_userpref() if not addon_prefs.op_preset_update: # Update the Operation presets op_presets_source = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "presets" / "cam_operations" op_presets_target = Path(bpy.utils.script_path_user()) / "presets" / "cam_operations" shutil.copytree(op_presets_source, op_presets_target, dirs_exist_ok=True) addon_prefs.op_preset_update = True
[docs] def on_blender_startup(context): """Checks for any broken computations on load and resets them. This function verifies the presence of necessary Blender add-ons and installs any that are missing. It also resets any ongoing computations in CAM operations and sets the interface level to the previously used level when loading a new file. If the add-on has been updated, it copies the necessary presets from the source to the target directory. Additionally, it checks for updates to the CAM plugin and updates operation presets if required. Args: context: The context in which the function is executed, typically containing information about the current Blender environment. """ scene = bpy.context.scene for o in scene.cam_operations: if o.computing: o.computing = False addon_prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons["bl_ext.user_default.fabex"].preferences addon_dependencies() load_defaults(addon_prefs) copy_presets(addon_prefs)
[docs] def on_engine_change(*args): if bpy.context.scene.render.engine == "FABEX_RENDER": bpy.context.scene.interface.layout = bpy.context.preferences.addons[ "bl_ext.user_default.fabex" ].preferences.default_layout print("Fabex!")
[docs] def fix_units(): """Set up units for Fabex. This function configures the unit settings for the current Blender scene. It sets the rotation system to degrees and the scale length to 1.0, ensuring that the units are appropriately configured for use within Fabex. """ s = bpy.context.scene s.unit_settings.system_rotation = "DEGREES" s.unit_settings.scale_length = 1.0
# Blender CAM doesn't respect this property and there were users reporting problems, not seeing this was changed.
[docs] def keymap_register(): wm = bpy.context.window_manager addon_kc = wm.keyconfigs.addon km ="Object Mode") kmi = "wm.call_menu_pie", "C", "PRESS", alt=True, ) = "VIEW3D_MT_PIE_CAM" = True
[docs] def keymap_unregister(): wm = bpy.context.window_manager active_kc = for key in active_kc.keymaps["Object Mode"].keymap_items: if key.idname == "wm.call_menu" and == "VIEW3D_MT_PIE_CAM": active_kc.keymaps["Object Mode"].keymap_items.remove(key)