"""Fabex 'bounds_utils.py' © 2012 Vilem Novak
import time
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
from .shapely_utils import shapely_to_curve, shapely_to_multipolygon
from .simple_utils import (
from ..exception import CamException
def get_bounds_worldspace(obs, use_modifiers=False):
"""Get the bounding box of a list of objects in world space.
This function calculates the minimum and maximum coordinates that
encompass all the specified objects in the 3D world space. It iterates
through each object, taking into account their transformations and
modifiers if specified. The function supports different object types,
including meshes and fonts, and handles the conversion of font objects
to mesh format for accurate bounding box calculations.
obs (list): A list of Blender objects to calculate bounds for.
use_modifiers (bool): If True, apply modifiers to the objects
before calculating bounds. Defaults to False.
tuple: A tuple containing the minimum and maximum coordinates
in the format (minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz).
CamException: If an object type does not support CAM operations.
# progress('getting bounds of object(s)')
t = time.time()
maxx = maxy = maxz = -10000000
minx = miny = minz = 10000000
for ob in obs:
# bb=ob.bound_box
mw = ob.matrix_world
if ob.type == "MESH":
if use_modifiers:
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
mesh_owner = ob.evaluated_get(depsgraph)
mesh = mesh_owner.to_mesh()
mesh = ob.data
for c in mesh.vertices:
coord = c.co
worldCoord = mw @ Vector((coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
minx = min(minx, worldCoord.x)
miny = min(miny, worldCoord.y)
minz = min(minz, worldCoord.z)
maxx = max(maxx, worldCoord.x)
maxy = max(maxy, worldCoord.y)
maxz = max(maxz, worldCoord.z)
if use_modifiers:
elif ob.type == "FONT":
co = bpy.context.active_object
bpy.ops.object.convert(target="MESH", keep_original=False)
mesh = co.data
for c in mesh.vertices:
coord = c.co
worldCoord = mw @ Vector((coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
minx = min(minx, worldCoord.x)
miny = min(miny, worldCoord.y)
minz = min(minz, worldCoord.z)
maxx = max(maxx, worldCoord.x)
maxy = max(maxy, worldCoord.y)
maxz = max(maxz, worldCoord.z)
if not hasattr(ob.data, "splines"):
raise CamException("Can't do CAM operation on the selected object type")
# for coord in bb:
for c in ob.data.splines:
for p in c.bezier_points:
coord = p.co
# this can work badly with some imported curves, don't know why...
# worldCoord = mw * Vector((coord[0]/ob.scale.x, coord[1]/ob.scale.y, coord[2]/ob.scale.z))
worldCoord = mw @ Vector((coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
minx = min(minx, worldCoord.x)
miny = min(miny, worldCoord.y)
minz = min(minz, worldCoord.z)
maxx = max(maxx, worldCoord.x)
maxy = max(maxy, worldCoord.y)
maxz = max(maxz, worldCoord.z)
for p in c.points:
coord = p.co
# this can work badly with some imported curves, don't know why...
# worldCoord = mw * Vector((coord[0]/ob.scale.x, coord[1]/ob.scale.y, coord[2]/ob.scale.z))
worldCoord = mw @ Vector((coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
minx = min(minx, worldCoord.x)
miny = min(miny, worldCoord.y)
minz = min(minz, worldCoord.z)
maxx = max(maxx, worldCoord.x)
maxy = max(maxy, worldCoord.y)
maxz = max(maxz, worldCoord.z)
# progress(time.time()-t)
return minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz
def get_spline_bounds(ob, curve):
"""Get the bounding box of a spline object.
This function calculates the minimum and maximum coordinates (x, y, z)
of the given spline object by iterating through its bezier points and
regular points. It transforms the local coordinates to world coordinates
using the object's transformation matrix. The resulting bounds can be
used for various purposes, such as collision detection or rendering.
ob (Object): The object containing the spline whose bounds are to be calculated.
curve (Curve): The curve object that contains the bezier points and regular points.
tuple: A tuple containing the minimum and maximum coordinates in the
format (minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz).
# progress('getting bounds of object(s)')
maxx = maxy = maxz = -10000000
minx = miny = minz = 10000000
mw = ob.matrix_world
for p in curve.bezier_points:
coord = p.co
# this can work badly with some imported curves, don't know why...
# worldCoord = mw * Vector((coord[0]/ob.scale.x, coord[1]/ob.scale.y, coord[2]/ob.scale.z))
worldCoord = mw @ Vector((coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
minx = min(minx, worldCoord.x)
miny = min(miny, worldCoord.y)
minz = min(minz, worldCoord.z)
maxx = max(maxx, worldCoord.x)
maxy = max(maxy, worldCoord.y)
maxz = max(maxz, worldCoord.z)
for p in curve.points:
coord = p.co
# this can work badly with some imported curves, don't know why...
# worldCoord = mw * Vector((coord[0]/ob.scale.x, coord[1]/ob.scale.y, coord[2]/ob.scale.z))
worldCoord = mw @ Vector((coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
minx = min(minx, worldCoord.x)
miny = min(miny, worldCoord.y)
minz = min(minz, worldCoord.z)
maxx = max(maxx, worldCoord.x)
maxy = max(maxy, worldCoord.y)
maxz = max(maxz, worldCoord.z)
# progress(time.time()-t)
return minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz
def get_bounds(o):
"""Calculate the bounding box for a given object.
This function determines the minimum and maximum coordinates of an
object's bounding box based on its geometry source. It handles different
geometry types such as OBJECT, COLLECTION, and CURVE. The function also
considers material properties and image cropping if applicable. The
bounding box is adjusted according to the object's material settings and
the optimization parameters defined in the object.
o (object): An object containing geometry and material properties, as well as
optimization settings.
None: This function modifies the input object in place and does not return a
# print('kolikrat sem rpijde')
if (
o.geometry_source == "OBJECT"
or o.geometry_source == "COLLECTION"
or o.geometry_source == "CURVE"
print("Valid Geometry")
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = get_bounds_worldspace(o.objects, o.use_modifiers)
if o.min_z_from == "OBJECT":
if minz == 10000000:
minz = 0
print("Min Z from Object:" + str(minz))
o.min.z = minz
o.min_z = o.min.z
o.min.z = o.min_z # max(bb[0][2]+l.z,o.min_z)#
print("Not Min Z from Object")
if o.material.estimate_from_model:
print("Estimate Material from Model")
o.min.x = minx - o.material.radius_around_model
o.min.y = miny - o.material.radius_around_model
o.max.z = max(o.max_z, maxz)
o.max.x = maxx + o.material.radius_around_model
o.max.y = maxy + o.material.radius_around_model
print("Not Material from Model")
o.min.x = o.material.origin.x
o.min.y = o.material.origin.y
o.min.z = o.material.origin.z - o.material.size.z
o.max.x = o.min.x + o.material.size.x
o.max.y = o.min.y + o.material.size.y
o.max.z = o.material.origin.z
i = bpy.data.images[o.source_image_name]
if o.source_image_crop:
sx = int(i.size[0] * o.source_image_crop_start_x / 100)
ex = int(i.size[0] * o.source_image_crop_end_x / 100)
sy = int(i.size[1] * o.source_image_crop_start_y / 100)
ey = int(i.size[1] * o.source_image_crop_end_y / 100)
sx = 0
ex = i.size[0]
sy = 0
ey = i.size[1]
o.optimisation.pixsize = o.source_image_size_x / i.size[0]
o.min.x = o.source_image_offset.x + sx * o.optimisation.pixsize
o.max.x = o.source_image_offset.x + ex * o.optimisation.pixsize
o.min.y = o.source_image_offset.y + sy * o.optimisation.pixsize
o.max.y = o.source_image_offset.y + ey * o.optimisation.pixsize
o.min.z = o.source_image_offset.z + o.min_z
o.max.z = o.source_image_offset.z
s = bpy.context.scene
m = s.cam_machine
x_delta_range = o.max.x - o.min.x
y_delta_range = o.max.y - o.min.y
z_delta_range = o.max.z - o.min.z
x_is_exceeded = x_delta_range > m.working_area.x
y_is_exceeded = y_delta_range > m.working_area.y
z_is_exceeded = z_delta_range > m.working_area.z
if x_is_exceeded or y_is_exceeded or z_is_exceeded:
exceed_msg = " \n!!! Bounds Error !!!\n"
# Do not append more than one such a warning
if exceed_msg not in o.info.warnings:
o.info.warnings += exceed_msg
o.info.warnings += "Path Exceeds Machine Limits!\n"
o.info.warnings += "Operation Area > Work Area\n"
if x_is_exceeded:
o.info.warnings += f"X: {unit_value_to_string(x_delta_range)} > {unit_value_to_string(m.working_area.x)}\n"
if y_is_exceeded:
o.info.warnings += f"Y: {unit_value_to_string(y_delta_range)} > {unit_value_to_string(m.working_area.y)}\n"
if z_is_exceeded:
o.info.warnings += f"Z: {unit_value_to_string(z_delta_range)} > {unit_value_to_string(m.working_area.z)}\n"
if not o.info.warnings == "":
addon_prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons["bl_ext.user_default.fabex"].preferences
if addon_prefs.show_popups:
def get_bounds_multiple(operations):
"""Gets bounds of multiple operations for simulations or rest milling.
This function iterates through a list of operations to determine the
minimum and maximum bounds in three-dimensional space (x, y, z). It
initializes the bounds to extreme values and updates them based on the
bounds of each operation. The function is primarily intended for use in
simulations or rest milling processes, although it is noted that the
implementation may not be optimal.
operations (list): A list of operation objects, each containing
'min' and 'max' attributes with 'x', 'y',
and 'z' coordinates.
tuple: A tuple containing the minimum and maximum bounds in the
order (minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz).
maxx = maxy = maxz = -10000000
minx = miny = minz = 10000000
for o in operations:
maxx = max(maxx, o.max.x)
maxy = max(maxy, o.max.y)
maxz = max(maxz, o.max.z)
minx = min(minx, o.min.x)
miny = min(miny, o.min.y)
minz = min(minz, o.min.z)
return minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz
def position_object(operation):
"""Position an object based on specified operation parameters.
This function adjusts the location of a Blender object according to the
provided operation settings. It calculates the bounding box of the
object in world space and modifies its position based on the material's
center settings and specified z-positioning (BELOW, ABOVE, or CENTERED).
The function also applies transformations to the object if it is not of
type 'CURVE'.
operation (OperationType): An object containing parameters for positioning,
including object_name, use_modifiers, and material
ob = bpy.data.objects[operation.object_name]
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_GEOMETRY", center="BOUNDS")
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = get_bounds_worldspace([ob], operation.use_modifiers)
totx = maxx - minx
toty = maxy - miny
totz = maxz - minz
if operation.material.center_x:
ob.location.x -= minx + totx / 2
ob.location.x -= minx
if operation.material.center_y:
ob.location.y -= miny + toty / 2
ob.location.y -= miny
if operation.material.z_position == "BELOW":
ob.location.z -= maxz
elif operation.material.z_position == "ABOVE":
ob.location.z -= minz
elif operation.material.z_position == "CENTERED":
ob.location.z -= minz + totz / 2
if ob.type != "CURVE":
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=False, scale=False)