Source code for cam.utilities.index_utils

"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

from pathlib import Path

import shapely

import bpy

from .simple_utils import activate
from .orient_utils import rotation_to_2_axes

[docs] def prepare_indexed(o): """Prepare and index objects in the given collection. This function stores the world matrices and parent relationships of the objects in the provided collection. It then clears the parent relationships while maintaining their transformations, sets the orientation of the objects based on a specified orientation object, and finally re-establishes the parent-child relationships with the orientation object. The function also resets the location and rotation of the orientation object to the origin. Args: o (ObjectCollection): A collection of objects to be prepared and indexed. """ s = bpy.context.scene # first store objects positions/rotations o.matrices = [] o.parents = [] for ob in o.objects: o.matrices.append(ob.matrix_world.copy()) o.parents.append(ob.parent) # then rotate them for ob in o.objects: ob.select_set(True) = ob bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type="CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM") s.cursor.location = (0, 0, 0) oriname = + " orientation" ori = s.objects[oriname] o.orientation_matrix = ori.matrix_world.copy() o.rotationaxes = rotation_to_2_axes(ori.rotation_euler, "CA") ori.select_set(True) = ori # we parent all objects to the orientation object bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type="OBJECT", keep_transform=True) for ob in o.objects: ob.select_set(False) # then we move the orientation object to 0,0 bpy.ops.object.location_clear() bpy.ops.object.rotation_clear() ori.select_set(False) for ob in o.objects: activate(ob) bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type="CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM")
[docs] def cleanup_indexed(operation): """Clean up indexed operations by updating object orientations and paths. This function takes an operation object and updates the orientation of a specified object in the scene based on the provided orientation matrix. It also sets the location and rotation of a CAM path object to match the updated orientation. Additionally, it reassigns parent-child relationships for the objects involved in the operation and updates their world matrices. Args: operation (OperationType): An object containing the necessary data """ s = bpy.context.scene oriname = + "orientation" ori = s.objects[oriname] path = s.objects["cam_path_{}{}".format(] ori.matrix_world = operation.orientation_matrix # set correct path location path.location = ori.location path.rotation_euler = ori.rotation_euler print(ori.matrix_world, operation.orientation_matrix) # TODO: fix this here wrong order can cause objects out of place for i, ob in enumerate(operation.objects): ob.parent = operation.parents[i] for i, ob in enumerate(operation.objects): ob.matrix_world = operation.matrices[i]