Source code for cam.utilities.material_utils
"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak
import bpy
from .bounds_utils import get_bounds
from .operation_utils import get_operation_sources
def add_transparent_material(ob, mname, color, alpha):
"""Add a transparent material to a given object.
This function checks if a material with the specified name already
exists in the Blender data. If it does, it retrieves that material; if
not, it creates a new material with the given name and enables the use
of nodes. The function then assigns the material to the specified
object, ensuring that it is applied correctly whether the object already
has materials or not.
ob (bpy.types.Object): The Blender object to which the material will be assigned.
mname (str): The name of the material to be added or retrieved.
color (tuple): The RGBA color value for the material (not used in this function).
alpha (float): The transparency value for the material (not used in this function).
if mname in
mat =[mname]
mat =
mat.use_nodes = True
bsdf = mat.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"]
# Assign it to object
if[0] = mat
def add_material_area_object():
"""Add a material area object to the current Blender scene.
This function checks if a material area object named 'CAM_material'
already exists in the current scene. If it does, it retrieves that
object; if not, it creates a new cube mesh object to serve as the
material area. The dimensions and location of the object are set based
on the current CAM operation's bounds. The function also applies
transformations to ensure the object's location and dimensions are
correctly set. The created or retrieved object is configured to be non-
renderable and non-selectable in the viewport, while still being
selectable for operations. This is useful for visualizing the working
area of the CAM without affecting the render output. Raises:
s = bpy.context.scene
operation = s.cam_operations[s.cam_active_operation]
ao = bpy.context.active_object
if s.objects.get("CAM_material") is not None:
o = s.objects["CAM_material"]
align="WORLD", enter_editmode=False, location=(1, 1, -1), rotation=(0, 0, 0)
o = bpy.context.active_object = "CAM_material" = "CAM_material"
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=False, scale=False)
# addTranspMat(o, 'blue_transparent', (0.458695, 0.794658, 0.8), 0.1)
o.display_type = "BOUNDS"
o.hide_render = True
o.hide_select = True
o.select_set(state=True, view_layer=None)
# bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type='DRAW_WIN_SWAP', iterations=1)
o.dimensions = bpy.context.scene.cam_machine.working_area
o.dimensions = (
operation.max.x - operation.min.x,
operation.max.y - operation.min.y,
operation.max.z - operation.min.z,
o.location = (operation.min.x, operation.min.y, operation.max.z)
if ao is not None:
# else:
# = None
def update_material(self, context):
"""Update the material in the given context.
This method is responsible for updating the material based on the
provided context. It performs necessary operations to ensure that the
material is updated correctly. Currently, it prints a message indicating
the update process and calls the `addMaterialAreaObject` function to
handle additional material area object updates.
context: The context in which the material update is performed.
print("Update Material")
# def update_material(self, context):
# add_material_area_object()