Source code for cam.utilities.thread_utils

"""Fabex '' © 2012 Vilem Novak

They mostly call the functions from ''

import threading

import bpy

from ..utilities.operation_utils import reload_paths

[docs] class threadCom: # object passed to threads to read background process stdout info def __init__(self, o, proc):
[docs] self.opname =
[docs] self.out_text = ""
[docs] self.proc = proc
[docs] self.lasttext = ""
[docs] def thread_read(tcom): """Reads the standard output of a background process in a non-blocking manner. This function reads a line from the standard output of a background process associated with the provided `tcom` object. It searches for a specific substring that indicates progress information, and if found, extracts that information and assigns it to the `outtext` attribute of the `tcom` object. This allows for real-time monitoring of the background process's output without blocking the main thread. Args: tcom (object): An object that has a `proc` attribute with a `stdout` stream from which to read the output. Returns: None: This function does not return a value; it modifies the `tcom` object in place. """ inline = tcom.proc.stdout.readline() inline = str(inline) s = inline.find("progress{") if s > -1: e = inline.find("}") tcom.out_text = inline[s + 9 : e]
[docs] def timer_update(context): """Monitor background processes related to CAM path calculations. This function checks the status of background processes that are responsible for calculating CAM paths. It retrieves the current processes and monitors their state. If a process has finished, it updates the corresponding CAM operation and reloads the necessary paths. If the process is still running, it restarts the associated thread to continue monitoring. Args: context: The context in which the function is called, typically containing information about the current scene and operations. """ text = "" s = bpy.context.scene if hasattr(bpy.ops.object.calculate_cam_paths_background.__class__, "cam_processes"): processes = bpy.ops.object.calculate_cam_paths_background.__class__.cam_processes for p in processes: # proc=p[1].proc readthread = p[0] tcom = p[1] if not readthread.is_alive(): readthread.join() # readthread. tcom.lasttext = tcom.out_text if tcom.out_text != "": print(tcom.opname, tcom.out_text) tcom.out_text = "" if "finished" in tcom.lasttext: processes.remove(p) o = s.cam_operations[tcom.opname] o.computing = False reload_paths(o) update_z_buffer_image_tag = False update_offset_image_tag = False else: readthread = threading.Thread(target=thread_read, args=([tcom]), daemon=True) readthread.start() p[0] = readthread o = s.cam_operations[tcom.opname] # changes o.out_text = tcom.lasttext # changes