
List of SASSE Library Effects.

Action Cylinder

Action Cylinder


  • Outer Color - outermost color, defaults to red
  • Inner Color - innermost color, defaults to pink
  • Gradient Scale - scale of the lines blending the two colors


  • Line Color - color of the moving lines, defaults to white
  • Line Scale - width of the lines

Emission & Transparency

  • Emission Strength - overal brightness of the effect, best seen with Bloom lighting
  • Transparency - animate the opacity of the effect

Point Transform

  • Endpoint - shift the focal point of the cylinder


  • Speed Factor - how fast the lines will move

Action Planes

Action Planes


  • Plane Spacing - distance between the planes
  • Plane Relative Scale - scale relative to other planes
  • Plane Relative Offset - scale offset
  • Opacity - animate the transparency of the effect


  • BG Color 1 - outermost background color, defaults to blue
  • BG Color 2 - innermost background color, defaults to off-white
  • BG Width - how far from the center the inner color extends
  • BG Length - how much to stretch or squash the background
  • BG Emission Strength - background brightness


  • Line Color - color of the moving lines, defaults to white
  • Line Width - vertical size
  • Line Length - horizontal length
  • Line Emission Strength - line brightness


  • Speed Factor - how fast will the lines and background be moving

Circle Flash Plane

Circle Flash Plane

  • Color 1 - outermost color
  • Color 2 - innermost color
  • Emission Strength - brightness of the plane
  • Circle Scale - size of the inner circle
  • Circle Location - move the circle around the plane
  • Opacity - animate the transparency of the effect

Color Flash Plane

Color Flash Plane

  • Color - color of the plane
  • Emission Strength - brightness of the plane
  • Opacity - animate the transparency of the effect

Gradient Flash Plane

Gradient Flash Plane

  • Color 1 - top color
  • Color 2 - bottom color
  • Emission Strength - brightness of the plane
  • Gradient Height - height of the gradient on the plane
  • Opacity - animate the transparency of the effect