Geometry Nodes

List of SASSE Library Effects.

Draw Lines

Draw Lines


  • Thickness - base line thickness
  • Width Min - minimum thickness
  • Width Max - maximum thickness


  • Color - line color

In & Outline

In & Outline


  • Outline - enable outline mesh
  • Outline Material - outline shader
  • Outline Color - color of outline shader
  • Outline Thickness - thickness of outline mesh

Inner Lines

  • Inner Lines - enable inner line mesh
  • Inner Line Material - inner line shader
  • Inner Line Color - color of inner line shader
  • Inner Line Thickness - base inner line thickness
  • Width Min - minimum inner line thickness
  • Width Max - maximum inner line thickness
  • Offset - offset inner lines by mesh normals
  • Initial Subdivisions - smooth base mesh and inner line meshes before generating lines (may require adding support loops to keep lines in place)
  • Smooth Subdivisions - smooths the meshes after line generation


  • Frame Jitter - adds small motion during playback to simulate imperfections in line art


  • Cull Backfaces - remove unseen faces (requires Cull Camera)
  • Cull Camera - Camera perspective used for face culling

Simple Outline

Simple Outline


  • Outline Material - outline shader
  • Outline Color - color of outline shader
  • Outline Thickness - thickness of outline mesh
  • Subdivision Level - smooths the meshes


  • Frame Jitter - adds small motion during playback to simulate imperfections in line art