
List of SASSE Library Materials and Shaders.

A series of Node Groups to facilitate stepped and oscillating motion in Shaders and Geometry Nodes.


Outputs an oscillating signal, good for repetitive movements, e.g.: hovering, pendulum, blinking lights etc

  • Sine / Square - mix between smooth and stepped motion
  • Frequency - speed of the movement
  • Depth - distance of the movement
  • Offset - shift the starting point of the movement

TimeStep Attributes GN

Outputs stepped motion in the Geometry Nodes Editor, and creates named attributes in the scene.

  • Ones - updates every frame
  • Twos - updates every second frame
  • Threes - updates every third frame
  • Fours - updates every fourth frame

TimeStep GN

Outputs stepped motion in the Geometry Nodes Editor.

  • Ones - updates every frame
  • Twos - updates every second frame
  • Threes - updates every third frame
  • Fours - updates every fourth frame

TimeStep Menu GN

Outputs selectable stepped motion in the Geometry Nodes Editor.

  • Output - select between Ones, Twos, Threes and Fours

TimeStep SN

Outputs stepped motion in the Shader Nodes Editor.

  • Ones - updates every frame
  • Twos - updates every second frame
  • Threes - updates every third frame
  • Fours - updates every fourth frame