Draw Curves

Use the Pen Tool to draw these objects directly into your Scene.

Chain Curve

Chain Curve


  • End Cap 1 - select and animate an object from your scene, e.g. ball, hook
  • End Cap 2 - object for the other end of the chain
  • Chain Link - object to make the chain itself, inside a hidden collection


  • Chain Color - base color of the chain links
  • Chain Wear - surface bumps and dents

Cloud Curve

Cloud Curve


  • Voxel Amount - how many voxels to fill the cloud volume, more is greater detail and lower performance
  • Seed - randomize cloud displacement
  • Radius Factor - multiplier for cloud radius
  • Radius Offset - add or subtract from overall radius
  • Scale Offset Min - minimum size for cloud elements
  • Density - how many points to place on the mesh
  • Displacement Scale - how large are the lumps on the cloud
  • Displacement Strength - how far do they extend
  • Subdivision Level - smooths the mesh, but computationally expensive


  • Color Top - upper gradient color
  • Color Bottom - lower gradient color
  • Gradient Height - height of the color transition

Intestine Curve

Intestine Curve


  • End Cap 1 - select and animate an object from your scene
  • End Cap 2 - object for the other end


  • Curve Resample Size - points in the curve, determines detail level
  • Curve Resolution - points around the curve
  • Curve Radius - radius for multi-strand curves
  • Subdivision Level - smooths the mesh, but computationally expensive
  • Multi-Strand - single or multiple curves
  • Twist - for multi-strand
  • Strands - number of strands for multi-strand
  • Strand Spacing - distance between strands for multi-strand, or curve radius for single strand


  • Color - base pink color

Lightning Curve

Lightning Curve


  • Width - width of the main bolt mesh
  • Subdivisions - smooths the mesh, but computationally expensive
  • Displace - how far to shift the points of the mesh
  • Sub-Bolts - probability of adding smaller sub-bolts


  • Bolt Color - base color of the lightning
  • Emission Strength - how bright the mesh will be, best shown with Bloom enabled, in Standard Color Management


  • Speed Factor - how fast will the lightning jitter
  • Progress - animate transparency

Road Plane Curve

Road Plane Curve


  • Displacement Scale - width control
  • Displacement Strength - depth / height control
  • Smooth Subdivisions - smooths the mesh, but computationally expensive


  • Line Spacing - length of lines / distance between
  • Road Color - base pavement color
  • Center Line Color - spaced or solid line, default white
  • Outer Line Color - default yellow
  • Puddles Color - show if puddles are enabled

Cracks & Puddles

  • Cracks Mix - blends cracks into the pavement
  • Cracks Scale - size of the cracks
  • Puddles Mix - blends puddles into the pavement
  • Puddles Scale - size of the puddles


  • Motion Multiplier - speed of the animated textures

Rope Curve

Rope Curve


  • End Cap - defaults to ‘Rope End’ collection, hidden in scene


  • Line Spacing - space between lines in rope material
  • Curve Resample Size - points in curve, determines detail
  • Curve Resolution - points around curve
  • Curve Radius - thickness of rope
  • SubDiv Level - smooths the mesh, but computationally expensive
  • Multi-Strand - single or multiple curves
  • Twist - amount to twist the strands around the curve
  • Strands - number of strands
  • Strand Spacing - distance between strands


  • Cable Color - base color of the rope

Tears / Sweat Curve

Tears Sweat Curve


  • Radius - thickness of curve


  • Color - tint of the transparent material

Tech Cable Curve

Tech Cable Curve


  • End Cap - defaults to ‘Tech Cable End’ collection, hidden in scene


  • Line Spacing - space between lines on tech cable material
  • Curve Resample Size - points in curve, determines detail
  • Curve Resolution - points around curve
  • Curve Radius - thickness of cable
  • SubDiv Level - smooths the mesh, but computationally expensive
  • Multi-Strand - single or multiple curves
  • Twist - amount to twist the strands around the curve
  • Strands - number of strands
  • Strand Spacing - distance between strands


  • Cable Color - base color of the cable