
More information about Blender version compatibility


The Library and all current and future assets are covered under the Standard Royalty Free License:

The Standard Royalty Free license grants you, the purchaser, the ability to make use of the purchased product for personal, educational, or commercial purposes as long as those purposes do not violate any of the following:

You may not resell, redistribute, or repackage the purchased product without explicit permission from the original author.
You may not use the purchased product in a logo, watermark, or trademark of any kind.
    Exception: shader, material, and texture products are exempt from this rule. These products are much the same as colors, and as such are a secondary meaning and may be used as part of a logo, watermark, or trademark.

What Does That Mean?

You may use, combine and customize these assets in any still, gif, short or long-form animation or video, television show, film, web-series, website, interactive media or video-game.

They are licensed for commercial or non-commercial use and credit is not required (though it is appreciated!).

You may not resell or redistribute the assets in whole or in part in a blend file, an asset library, or any method that causes a user to receive a working copy of the asset.

I want to be permissive with licensing to allow users to create whatever they want with these assets, while preserving the ability to monetize my efforts.

If you have a usage for the assets that you feel is not explicitly covered above, then please get in touch and likely something can be worked out.

I wanted to price the library so that it would be affordable for individuals, and, as such, one purchase can be considered a single ‘seat’ license for studio usage.

This will make it easier for me to provide support, as studio demands are typically much more complex and urgent than individual support requests.