Ground Planes

List of SASSE Library Effects.

Cracked Ground Plane

Cracked Ground Plane


  • Size X - size of the plane on the X axis
  • Size Y - size of the plane on the Y axis
  • Mesh Resolution - number of vertices along each axis
  • Displacement Scale - how wide is the displacement
  • Displacement Strength - how deep / high is the displacement
  • Subdivision Level - smooths the mesh at the cost of performance


  • Color - base color of the plane
  • Cracks Scale - size of the cracks on the surface

Grass Plane

Grass Plane


  • Size X - size of the plane on the X axis
  • Size Y - size of the plane on the Y axis
  • Displacement Scale - how wide is the displacement
  • Displacement Strength - how deep / high is the displacement
  • Displacement Subdivisions - how much to subdivide the mesh prior to displacement
  • Smooth Subdivisions - smooths the mesh at the cost of performance


  • Grass Height - height of each grass blade
  • Grass Density - how many blades of grass will be distributed on the plane
  • Realize Geometry - determines texture mapping, toggle for performance


  • Grass Color - base color of the grass
  • Grass Color Noise Scale - how large are the variations in the color


  • Auto-Animate - rotates the grass blades to simulate wind
  • Speed - how fast will the blades turn
  • Blade Rotation Range - how far will the blades turn

Ice Plane

Ice Plane


  • Size X - size of the plane on the X axis
  • Size Y - size of the plane on the Y axis
  • Mesh Resolution - number of vertices along each axis
  • Displacement Scale - how wide is the displacement
  • Displacement Strength - how deep / high is the displacement
  • Subdivision Level - smooths the mesh at the cost of performance


  • Color - base color of the plane
  • Cracks Scale - size of the cracks on the surface

Sand Dunes Plane

Sand Dunes Plane


  • Size X - size of the plane on the X axis
  • Size Y - size of the plane on the Y axis
  • Cell Size - determines dune detail
  • Subdivisions - smooths the mesh at the cost of performance


  • Dune Height - height of the dunes
  • Dune Scale - width of the dunes, how many will fit on the plane

Blown Sand

  • Blown Sand - enable the blown sand effect
  • Start Height - how high should the blown sand start
  • Grain Size - max size of the blown sand
  • Density - how many points to distribute
  • Wind Direction - which direction to blow the sand


  • Sand Color - base color of the sand plane

Water Plane

Water Plane

Ripple & Float

  • Collection - place objects in this collection to have them float on the water and cause ripples


  • Wave Width - space between waves
  • Wave Height - height of the waves
  • Wave Offset - shift the wave forward or back


  • Start Height - height to start generating foam
  • Density - how many foam ‘balls’ to add
  • Voxel Size - determines detail, how small is the smallest voxel


  • Water Color - base color of the water
  • Foam / Highlight Color - color of the foam and the highlights on the water


  • Speed Multiplier - how fast will the waves move